Chapter 5

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Cara's POV

I had so many questions, these brothers were the same ones that saved me that day at the club, the same ones I was ogling, and thought were way too out of my league.

How did they find me? Why did they find me? Why would they randomly have sex with me like that? Why do I feel this weird connection like I've known them forever, like I'm supposed to be with them. Why was I asking them to "knot" me when that's when dogs do? What the fuck was happening to me?

Whenever I wanted to ask all these questions a small voice in my head, that was slowly taking over my whole body keeps telling me that the less I ask them questions, the less they remember that I'm a nobody. The less I ask questions the more time I have with these hot ass men.

After getting my ass spanked by a very hot Cameron he picked me up and went towards the dining table, the other two boys snickered when they saw us and Cam sent them a glare. Sitting back on my chair I dug into the pasta, after so much sex I was bound to get hungry, after the first bite I let out a loud moan, and all three heads snapped towards me. Gray smirked, while Cam had his mouth wide open, and Wes leaned over and gave me a peck on the lips.

Clearing my throat I started "this... um, this pasta is amazing" turning my head to Weston I whispered "thank you"

He smiled broadly, and spoke "you're not allergic to carrots by any chance are you?" when i stared at him like he had three heads he laughed, "Cameron was wondering"

I looked at Cam who now was looking at his hands with a sheepish smile, "were you worried about me Camy?" I asked in a baby voice

He glared but then his eyes softened and he mumbled "I'm always worried about you babe"

The other two boys awed while Cam looked away, he quickly turned to Gray and whispered something into his ear and the shook hands and did that man hug. I was happy that they were good now.

Just as I excused myself to go to the bathroom a strong cramp hit me, so strong that I fell face first, kissing the hard wood floor. I heard three chairs scrape the floor and rush to me

"Baby? Baby? Cara? Cara!" I opened my eyes and stirred till I was in a fetus position, my hand holding my stomach, I looked up into Wes' bright blue eyes, they looked so deep, like the ocean, instantly calming me down by a hundred. I felt a warm hand and tipped my head towards Gray's touch, and Cam places a soothing kiss on my forehead.

Cam's eyes fogged up and that alone scared the living shit out of me,

Cam scooped me up, and flushed my face to his warm chest, "Baby, does your body burn? Like it did before?"

"N-no, I feel worse" my body didn't burn, it hurt, it hurt like a bitch, it felt like my bones were giving out, it felt like my ankles were about to pop off my body

I wanted to cry, and as much as I hated crying in front of the boys I couldn't help the sob that broke out of my body, Cam's face scrunched up and he stopped, looking down at me he kissed my forehead, then my cheeks, my nose and then my lips

I couldn't help but blurt out "Camy, am I going to die?"

Cam placed me on the bed and took my hand "no baby, no." He sighed and ran his free hand through his hair "Baby, I'm not sure what's  happening, but I promise you, we won't let anything happen to you, ok baby?"

I heard a loud pop coming from my left shoulder and I shrieked in pain, I felt like my bones were stretching, like they were breaking

Cam shot up and held my face in his hot palms, "What- what's wrong baby? What happened? What was that sound? Are you ok? Are you I-"

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