if they won't show her love, we will

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"I'm sorry Mrs Jones but you're unable to bare children."
For the past few weeks this sentence has been haunting Betty's thoughts, keeping her up at night and the reason for her worsening mental health.

From a young age all Betty had dreamed of was getting married. Wearing a beautiful white dress, walking down the isle towards her future spouse, a year or two later having a mini her running around their home. She had always had it planned out, diaries filled with her hopes and dreams - the main one being a child of her own.

These words were like a stab to the heart for Betty and telling Jughead the news was as if someone had pulled it right back out. Searing pain had rippled through her body, tears made unstoppable streams down her face all while Jughead had tried to sooth her. Squeezed her body as tight as he could while running his hands through her hair, hoping and praying that he was taking some of the pain away. They both had cried for the rest of that day; pulling each other as close as was possible, finding comfort in the warmth.


It's two weeks later and Betty was reading in bed when Jughead walked in and sat next to her. He brought her into his arms and planted a kiss to her head. Jughead had been trying to find a way to make Betty happy again. It physically pained him to see her so upset... lifeless even. She was barely eating or sleeping, just laying in their bed staring into the white wall to her side.

"Hey baby?" He asked taking the book out of her hands and placing on her bedside table, getting a hum from her in response.

"I've been thinking-"

"Well that's not good!" She interrupts, a small chuckle falling from her lips.

His once small smile was now stretched to his ears, ecstatic that her mood is happy enough to make jokes. He rewards her with kisses all over her face, Betty's giggles soon filling their bedroom.

She attempts to capture his lips with hers, them sharing a passionate kiss when she succeeds, only breaking it when she's in need of air.
With their heads leaning against each other, smiles upon their lips, Jughead continues their conversation from before.

"I-I was thinking about our situation and was wondering... would you-" He starts, struggling to word his solution, nerves nearly taking the best of him. "What would you feel about adopting a child?" He says slowly. His voice was soft and quiet, knowing that this topic is still sensitive for her.

When she doesn't reply straight away he panics and starts to ramble, "It's just that one of my old friends works at an agency and she said we can go today and have a look. I know this is soon and sudden and you don't have to answer me today or tomorrow or-"

Betty cuts him off with the tightest hug she's ever given.

"Really?" She says pulling away sporting the biggest grin she's worn in a while, "You'd want to do that with me? I know this isn't ideal and I'm sorry I can't give you your own child but-"

This time it's Jughead's turn to cut her off. He kisses her with so much love and force that she nearly falls over from shock.

"Of course I want to do this with you!" He assures, "I don't care that this child won't be mine biologically, all that matters is that you're doing it with me."

They both smile so big and just hug each other. The embrace is so warm and filled with love that they never want to let go. Her hands stroking his back lovingly while his fingers intertwine with her golden locks, keeping her head close to his chest.

Betty and Jughead don't know how long they stay like that but when they pull away they quickly make a mutual decision to go to the orphanage right away. Their excitement is too overwhelming to wait.

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