if they won't show her love, we will - p2

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(I just wanted to clarify that none of the information about the adoption process in this book is true; I just made it up to fit with the story. I'm so sorry if this offends anyone, its not my intention at all and I'm sorry <3)


We slowly make our way to Rosa's office, cherishing this beautiful moment. Mila is letting out cute snores while peacefully laying on my chest. I can't seem to keep my eyes off of her, she's pure perfection.

We finally arrive at her office and Jug knocks before we walk in. "So I'm guessing you've found someone," She smirks when she sees Mila in my arms.
"Yeah, she's amazing." Jug tells her.

Rosa asks for her name - she can't see her face as its buried in my shirt - and when I tell her she searches for her file. We find out that Mila only just turned four and she's been in the orphanage since she was born. This news breaks my heart and I can tell it hurts Jug's too. Our poor baby has never known what it's like to cuddle and watch movies all day, have bedtime stories read to her as she drifts to asleep or the relaxation of having her wet hair brushed for her. We're going to give her the best little life she can ever have.

Mila starts to wake up whilst we're talking everything through with Rosa. Incase she starts to fuss I start stroking her hair to sooth her and she stays happily in my arms. Only whispering for me to hold her closer and tighter.

"Okay, that's all we need to talk about for now but I do see something in her file you might want to know..." Rosa trails off. Me and Jug look at each other and then Mila in confusion, waiting for Rosa to carry on.
"Mila has moderate to severe separation anxiety, I don't know if that changes anything for you but I'll let you talk and meet you outside of my office when you're ready." She explains, offering us a smile before leaving the room.

"This doesn't change anything, right?" I ask Jug hoping he agrees. Nothing could turn me against adopting the angel in my arms. I already love her so much.
"Absolutely not." He confirms smiling at me and then Mila, "You still okay with this, honey?"
She looks up at us and nods, a grin breaking out on her face.
"We'll get through everything together," I whisper, kissing Mila all over her face making her bury it in my neck, giggling. Jug and I smile contentedly at each other before heading out the door to meet Rosa.

We talk for a few more minutes, soaking up the time we have with Mila before we have to leave her here and go home. This is the hard part. Mila thought that she was coming home with us today so explaining that we had to leave her here didn't go too well.

"No! You- You can't leave me!" She sobs, clinging onto the back of my head, "Don't go. Don't leave!" She refused to move from my arms, begging for us to stay with her.

"Shh baby, shh... We'll be back soon but we just need to leave for a little bit. We can't take you home straight away, okay?" I don't want to leave her either but I know we have to.

"Why!" She cries, grabbing at my hair. She pulls it towards her, scrunching it between her fingers to try to make me stay close.

"The adoption process isn't instant, sweetie. We can take you home in 3 weeks but until then you have to stay here."
She just shakes her head and cries, now grabbing my shirt as well, "I promise we'll visit every week, baby. Is that okay?"

She doesn't say anything but starts screaming when someone comes to take her out of my arms. Rosa explains to us that it's their lunch time. Her little hands aren't strong enough to hold onto me anymore so before she's taken away, me and Jug kiss her repeatedly and reassure her we love her.

I start to cry as I hear her calls for us even when she's out of sight. Jug pulls me into his chest, holding my head as I just was to Mila. My heart is wrenching for her.

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