i needed you

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Thank you for the idea marialouisa_x ❤️

Tomorrow is the day that Betty is dreading. The day that Betty will spend mourning the loss of her parents.

One year ago, tomorrow, will be the anniversary of their death and Betty didn't want the day to come. She lives in her house on her own, Polly still living at the farm and unbothered by the whole situation, sometimes Betty wonders if she even knew. Betty had always prided herself on being independent and headstrong but this was a whole new challenge, making sure she makes enough money by working in Pops and the Register, washing and drying her clothes and the house, and even just making sure she eats all of her meals.

The hardest part about everything is hanging out with her friends. Hearing them all talk about their families and going on holidays and the arguments they have. Betty even missed the arguing. Even though her mother was overbearing and strict she was still the mother that had tucked her it at night and pushed her on the swings when she was little. Same with her father, he wasn't around a lot and didn't stand up for her when her mother was taking too much control but he was the one to teach her all about cars and check for monsters in her 5 years old self's wardrobe. They were still her family. But now they're gone.


Betty could feel the dread creeping up on her as the day comes to a close, not wanting to have to deal with tomorrow. She thought about how she was going to cope and decided that her mechanism would be Jughead. He had always been there for her when their absence felt too immense. He knows that tomorrow will be hard for her, she told him it was one year since their death coming up just the other day. She doesn't think she'll make it through without him so she texts him about meeting up.

Betts - Hey Juggie, just making sure you're still come over tomorrow? I really need you to get through it.

Juggie - Of course Betts, you okay? I'll be there at 10 ❤️

Betts - Yeah I'm all good, just really need you tomorrow. Please come. I love you ❤️

Juggie - I'll be there, I love you too, baby ❤️

She was so happy he agreed and resumed getting under her soft, tangerine-printed bed sheets. Betty turns out her night lamp and closes her eyes, her vision being engulfed by darkness. Soon she drifts into unwanted sleep, thinking about Jughead and the day ahead.


Betty's POV
The weather today was a reminder of my mood. Dull, grey clouds are blanketing the sky while light rain feathers to the ground much like the tears that are making tracks down my emotionless face.

The thick clouds not letting the sun out from behind them just reminds me of my heart a few years ago, guards up, not letting a single soul in. At least that was until Jughead. He broke my walls down one by one, gently replacing them with a barrier of love, his love. His love that's made him always be there for me, by my side, keeping me standing straight, except from the one time. The one time I needed him most. Today.

He said he would be here at 10. He promised. He promised he would be by my side, not leaving me to sit under the blanket on my couch by myself. The banquet of food, sweets, all of our favourites in front of me. Rebel Without a Cause in the DVD player, The Shining sitting next in line. I had the whole day planned out, it was mostly just cuddling and eating but that was our favourite. However, he didn't show up. It's nearly one o'clock and all I've done is stare blankly at the TV, it's asking me if I want to play the movie. I don't. Not anymore.

I slowly get up from the couch and make my way towards the door. Without grabbing my jacket I walk out of the house, sporting my black joggers and Jug's green sweatshirt. I don't bring a coat because there's something about the rain that's calming. The way it doesn't wait for anyone or cares what they think, it just does what it wants. The way it's refreshing to feel it run down your face or catch in your mouth. I get lost in my thoughts, walking in squiggly lines while humming my mum's favourite song and by the time I return to the reality around me, I'm here.

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