a helping hand

373 16 23

Everyone experiences depression differently, this is just a small aspect of it and how it is with me - obviously with bughead though :))
I need a Jughead 🥺


Betty was struggling. Depression had always been with her, but despite that, she was very high-functioning. She was always doing something and not letting herself rest. Whether it was watching movies with Jughead, his presence was calming to her, or fixing cars and motorcycles to keep her mind busy. However, unknown to her, these actions would have consequences.

Betty always keeping her mind busy did also distract her from the fact that she was wearing herself out. Unknowingly, it was scraping away at her, waiting until she finally let herself rest. And she needed it. Rest. She needed to give herself a break and since she wasn't doing it herself, her depression and exhaustion crashed down on her, doing the favour itself.


For the past few days Betty hasn't moved from her bed. It was all too much. Too much to move, to speak, even to eat. Her body was too heavy to lift up and so was the corners of her mouth, so she didn't. She didn't get up, she didn't talk, she didn't move a muscle or even force a smile all of the time, instead she let herself sink into her mattress and fall asleep.

Of course Alice wasn't very happy with Betty and you'd think that after she saw her, Alice would cut Betty some slack but of course, she didn't.

Alice's POV
Betty hasn't been out of her room for two days. At first I thought she had snuck out and was out with her no good friends but after hearing her sniffles all day, I knew that she was home.

It's the next day and Betty hasn't come down at her normal breakfast time before school. Doesn't she know she is going to be late!! I stomp up to her room and bang loudly on the door before harshly swinging it open.

"What are you still doing in bed young lady! You should-" I cut myself off when I see her awake but lying on her side, staring into the wall to her left with a blank, dull face. What is she doing? Why isn't she getting ready? She is going to make herself and Jughead late!

"Elizabeth, get out of bed right now! Hurry up, now! ...Look at me when I'm talking to you!" I shout at her.
She turns just her eyes to look at me. You would of thought that seeing Betty's exhausted, pleading but dark circled eyes would make Alice Cooper feel even a tiny bit of understanding for the girl, but no. She just didn't understand.

"Elizabeth Cooper, you get out of that bed right now and go to school. I can't deal with you. Snap out of it!!" I storm out of her room, disappointed with my child.

Jughead's POV
I knock on the door of my beautiful girlfriend Betty Cooper's house, hoping that it would be her to answer the door. I haven't been able to see her all weekend as I was away visiting my mom so I'm very excited to see her. Their bright red door opened to reveal Alice.

"Jughead. Elizabeth is in her bed in her bedroom; she is refusing to talk to me and won't get out of her bed. You can try to get her up but she's being very ungrateful and selfish." Alice states angrily, stepping aside.

I step in and rush up to Betty's room, ignoring Alice and her insensitive comments. I knock on the door and after a few seconds of not hearing anything, I take it as an okay to go in. I slowly open the door incase she just didn't hear me knock but as she comes into view I notice why she hasn't gotten up. Her eyes are filled with exhaustion and exhaustion only. Her face straight and gloomy and I could immediately from past experience tell that her depression had hit her. Hard.

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