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I've always wanted to go to England but just not in this era. Not like this , not to raid or take over a kingdom.

I tossed and turned all night both scared and excited to go. Scared that I might get killed but excited because i trusted my own skill. And wanted to taste adventure. More than I already have. I can feel myself becoming more and more brave. More accepting to my situation and adapting as I go along. I will not die here and I will make a name for myself in history.

The sun was now up and I make my way to the boats only to see ivar.

"What the fuck, is he coming too I think to myself"

" I walk too Ragnar who is speaking to a man"

"Good morning I say with an attitude because my mornings been ruined knowing ivar is coming along".

"Floki I want you to meet my daughter Samara" Ragnar introduces me

"Hello I smile trying to get rid of my clear annoyance"

"Floki laughs is funny and he gives me a big welcoming hug." A women walks up from behind

"My name is helga it's a pleasure to finally meet you in person, I've heard so much about you she leans in for a hug and I can already tell we are going to get along"

I step to the side and let Floki and Ragnar speak.

"Helga offers to braid my hair for the journey and I let her. She braids my hair into a half updo letting my hair hall from behind"

"There, you look like a true Viking women now"

"Thank you helga I smile, I can't help but enjoy her warm loving energy"

The horns sound and I take that as a sign to leave. We say our goodbyes and I overhear a conversation ivar was having With a women who I assumed to be his mother

"She is beautiful" " you go old man"
is all I can think" " I wonder what his first wife looks like?

I over hear her dream about the storm but what's in a dream? I've always dreamed that one day I'll be a queen in a huge castle , ha ! I can keep dreaming cause that will never happen.

We set off to England and hours in I can see ivar on the side of the boat looking like he's going to barf anytime soon.

"Ivar the boneless is afraid?"

"he rolls his eyes, responding I hate the sea"

"A Viking that hates the sea how interesting I taunt"

"I'm glad you are enjoying this he gestured a bow and smiles the fakest smile I have ever seen"

After a while I fall asleep only to be awaken after the boat begins to rocks fast and hard. I can feel the boat crashing and the waves hitting the boat. Ivar is screaming. I go to calm him down. And he holds my hand tightly.

"Shhh it's okay" I try calming him down knowing he's terrified.

I can feel his heart thrashing inside his chests and I know he can feel me shaking of fear .
Thunder is heard and the sky is dark
we both hug each other in comfort as the winds picks up even more.

"Ragnar comes and tells ivar to let go and we tie him up so he can be steady"

And at that moment ragnars face said it all

I can see the desperation , the fear and I was scared to look back. Ivars face turns into a frown and he lets out one big scream as he held me in a tight hug I knew at that moment we were going to die. I felt the impact of the wave hit the boat and everything went dark.

It felt like the first time I had arrived .
my body hurt all over and I was soaking wet. I can feel someone touching my face and heard voices in the distance.


"Is she alive"


"Was I back in my time ?"

I open my eyes to meet another blue eyes meeting mine

"Ivar stares at me asking me if I was okay"

"But it hurt to speak, I passed out again" only to wake up next Ragnar and ivar who where covered in blood and in a cave.

"What happened I asked as I try to get up"

"The boat sank"ivar responds

"Your covered in blood"

"It isn't mine"

"Ragnar cuts in, we had to kill everyone. Only us 3 alone can go into the castle" they will not harm you . they only wish to capture me but do not worry I have a friend who will send us back

"Kill everyone ? , but why?"

"Ivars attitude is back when he responds. You do not know anything so I suggest you do not give opinions"

I stare him down "and you like to speak a lot for someone who's afraid of a little bit of water" ivar crawls my way as if he was going to hit me and I don't even flinch
"You wouldn't dare" I say to his face

"Ragnar screams"
Enough! we must get going

We make our way into the castle and Almost instantly someone noticed Ragnar

they arrest him and take my swords away and including ivars knifes.

we are placed in different rooms and hours pass , I'm now scared that something has happen to Ragnar or ivar .

My room in the castle was clean and servants came to bring me food and water. I wasn't being treated as a prisoner but I was afraid they might keep me as leverage against Ragnar.

A young boy walks in and Introduces himself as prince Alfred.

"Where's Ragnar" I quickly ask

"You shall see him in due time, but for now let's have a chat"

"So what's your name"

"Samara" I respond

"Ragnar has asked for your safe return as well as your brother ivar"

"Ahh yess my loving brother ivar, is he okay" I almost laugh at my bullshit lie

Albert buys into it and doesn't question me.

"You know ... , you don't look like a Viking. You seem more feminine then most women Viking I meet and much civilized"

"Give me sword and I will show you what a Viking looks like"

"Albert smiles and sits"

"Ivar is being brought into the room and with eye contact communicates with me if I am okay"

"I nod"

"How about a game" Albert says

"The servants bring In a old game of chess. And I couldn't be more intrigued at its craftsmanship's" ivar and Albert play as we wait for Ragnar

After a while the prince is Gone and me and ivar quickly begin to exchange information.

"Ivar asks me what exactly did they ask me and I ask the same. But not much was asked but of who we where to Ragnar."

All we knew was that we where being sent back soon

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