Ale and mistakes

632 18 1

*Mature content ahead*

the tattoo hurt like hell, but I can barley feel it anymore.

It was all thanks to the ale, I was way passed my limit. I can tell because I couldn't stop laughing and everything or anyone who passed by me.

"My new friends where now finishing up their last tattoos and before I can get their names hvisteck comes into view"

"Look girls this is my handsome brother hvitserk " I shout as I wrap my right arm around him

The girls look and laugh raising their glasses screaming "hello brother"

"Your plastered Samara, you must go home now"

"I thought you where more fun I laugh", but he was right so I won't argue with him

Hvitserk sucks his teeth but smiles and walks me home.

He leaves me in front of the hall and I can feel the world spinning but catch myself and force myself to act normal so he won't think I'm that much of a light weight.

"Okay you should be safe from here, I must go attend some visitors, please go rest"

I make my way inside and quickly get myself comfortable kicking off my boots and removing my pants.

I knock over a small cup on the side table and imideitally start laughing

"What are you doing in my room" I am taken by suprise by the shadow figure and jump back

"Who are you" I stutter

"Are you drunk" the voice respond

"I begin to lean back on the table I almost pushed over grabbing for something to defend myself with, anything"

Suddenly the room is lit with a candle and I can see

It was ivar. Half dressed

I never realized he was this strong and had tattoos across his chest.

I never realized how handsome he was until that moment.

"What are you doing here" his voice sounded raspy as if he had just woken up from a long sleep it sounded almost sexy

"I'm sorry hvitserk left me near but I thought I was in my room"

"Umm, and I've been drinking and Um I'm a lil.... I begin to giggle"

"Your drunk" ivar finishes the sentence

"Well kinda"

I begin to put on one shoe "don't worry I'll be out of your way"

"You forgot to put on your pants"ivar rolls his eyes and I couldn't stop laughing

"Oops sorry I say trying to put one leg back into my pants

"Just stay here, it is late and your drunk"

"Oh no I'll be fine"

"Samara there is thousands of new visitors here walking around, are you that trusting ? "

Before I can speak he reads my mind and responds

It is already nightfall and I do not wish to accompany you back. Besides i can hear rain

He lays to his side

"He's right I can hear the raindrops hitting the sealing and it sounded so peaceful"

With the effects of the ale I take it upon myself to just stay as I am and lay on the other side of the bed.

Ivar turns his head and lightly touches my tattoo

"Owe, I flinch"

"This is new" ivar whispers

My heart beat begins to quicken and my gaze catches ivars blue eyes staring at me. I felt in a trance looking into his eyes. Even with the dim room his eyes seemed bluer than ever.

Ivar slightly smiles making me notice how soft his lips look. My hands reach to touch his chest, I use one finger softly tracing his tattoo

Ivar slightly sits up and quickly grabs my hand
What are you .... my lips crash into his and I am to scared to open my eyes to see his reaction. I can feel how soft his lips where on mine and my heart is now crashing on my chest. It's the first time I've ever kissed someone so passionately.

I pull away In realization of what I did. The room is quiet but I can hear both of our breaths clearly.

Ivar looks puzzled and I feel automatically stupid for making the first move. My first instinct is to run

Ivar I'm so sorry. I pull away but ivar grabs my arm pulling me closer to him.

"Don't be" ivar whispers staring straight at me and crashes his lips against mine

I can hear our breath filling the room and ivars heart rate accelerating. He pulls me in closers and I wrap my leg around in order to straddle him. Now sitting on top, he grabs my hair softly back and begins to kiss my neck. I let out a small moan causing him to kiss me even harder.

suddenly a bolt of lighting causes the room to lighten for a second and the roar of the thunder cause both of us to jump, stopping us.

"We should go to bed ivar looks up at me"
I unwrap myself and lay next to him

"Uhh yeah I respond" turning over

"Ivar turns the opposite way from me, and I don't know what to say"

Goodnight is all I can say and ivar doesn't respond

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