The queen is dead

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Norway no longer had its light, it seemed darker than what I remembered. The colors seemed faint and the comfort I thought it would bring me to be back was just a hollow feeling.

It's people no longer looked happy I felt no one was smiling but rather staring as if I were a target...

"They are happy for your return my queen" Uhtred speaks and my eyes turn to him and shoot back to the entrance of the castle.

Rain drops begin to fall

As many solders and workers make their way into the castle I turn to stare at others run to their family's that were waiting with open arms and smiles. I watch as tears of joy run from each wife's eyes because their lovers were safe. Children jumped into their arms "father your back" they seemed so happy but for some reason I didn't feel a thing. Not sad for the events that took place not jealous because they had someone to come home too I just felt numb.

Clouds begin to turn dark  and I turn away to watch ivar staring into the distance he looked amazed at the size of my castle and confused and the decoration. Adien had decorated this place modern that I know historians will be confused and interested on how Vikings knew about modern art. I laugh to myself but instantly felt a sharp knife in my heart. Adien is gone I have to accept it.

"I promise I'll avenge you" I whisper and make my way into the main room where adiens counsel men were already waiting for me and I can already tell it's going to be a long day.

The rain begins to fall heavy outside and the winds can be heard from even inside to the castle

I sit on my throne crossing my legs as my arms rest on the side taking a deep breath and the room quiets. And whispers begin to fill the room in questions

"The king is dead" I say shouting for the room to hear as I stare directly at ivar. "Killed by a Kattegat warrior sent by Largetha"

The room begins to be filled with gasps and men shouting how impossible that was. The counsel man looked shocked and talk amongst themselves

"My queen if I may" counsel man odis speaks and walks forward and i nod in acceptance

"Kattegat has always been a peaceful trading partner of Norway, why would they dare kill our king? With all due respect my guess it has to do with you."

The room silences and eyes go wide

"What are you trying to say odis" i uncross my legs leaning a bit forward

"The fact that your brother ivar is here under your care tells me this you have conspired with your brother to kill Adien and take over Norway!" Again the rooms are filled with gasps and murmurs as some in the crowd begin to jesture that they agree and ivar rolls is eyes as his jaws clench.

I stand letting a sigh as I roll my eyes and look at odis

"So what do you want to do?" I ask

"We the council agree that you are the reason for his death and should be sentenced to death without your sword so you can never reach Valhalla" the room erupts in argument between those who felt that the council was wrong and those who believed it to be right.

"I still cannot believe your my wife" adien whispers as he rubs my cheek and I move in for a soft kiss"

"I still can't believe your king of Norway" I mock him

"All in a days work" adien smiles

"How did you make them believe you were king heralds son? Didn't they question where have you been this whole time ?"

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