1: she

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The sounds of the streets spilled into the bus as it drove down the highway.

Shiloh Foster lazily blew another bubble with her bubblegum as she looked up to the ceiling of the bus. Her arms rested on either side of her, palms up. Beside her on the seat was her guitar in its case, a backpack, and a bag. Shiloh Foster was a struggling musician headed to Beach City. Her mind needed to be cleared so she could produce her next album in time. She didn't plan in how long she'd be in Beach City but hoped that she could survive on the money she brought for however long she needed to be there.

Shiloh's right hand went up to the back of her head. She dug her fingers into her short ash-blonde hair that was cut in a typically boyish style. Because of Shiloh's hairstyle, clothing choice, "unladylike" posture, and lack of feminine body features she was often mistaken for a scrawny young boy at first glance when in reality she's a 19 year old girl. Shiloh scratched the back of her head lazily as her pale blue eye darted to her side as the bus passed a sign that read "Welcome to Beach City!".


It didn't take too long for Shiloh to find her parent's old cottage. Beach City used to be where they'd go on vacation to hide from her and her two sisters every once in a while. It wasn't deep in the woods of Beach City but close enough to be right at the sand. Shiloh unlocked the door and stepped inside. The sun flew in beautifully from the window, illuminating the place with a golden color.

To the left was the kitchen and a wooden table with four chairs surrounding it. To the right was a living room where the couch stood opposite the fire place. On the far wall of the living room was a door that led to a small and cozy bathroom. Beside the door was the beginning of the staircase that led up to the loft.

Under the staircase was small room that had nothing but a hammock and light in it, presumably for a guest. By the door of the small room was a keyboard that Shiloh could recall her father playing millions of times over late night video calls.

Up in the loft was a large comfy bed that went right against the wall beside a window and under one of the four skylights lined evenly on the cottage's roof. Next to the bed was a bedside table that had a lamp and clock on it. Across from the bed against the railing was an empty dresser and next to it a desk and chair.

She set her bags down and began unpacking. By the time she was finished the sun was about to go down. She opened the fridge to find it empty.

"Hah! What was I even expecting?" She said to herself as she shut the fridge.

Shiloh slipped on her shoes, grabbed her guitar and locked the door behind her before attaching her keys to her khaki shorts. She pulled her oversized blue shirt over it before staring her walk back to the actual town.

She walked across the board walk with her hand on her stomach as it grumbled to her hunger. Shiloh looked at the buildings she passed seeing if she'd be interested in eating any of their food. Eventually she reached the end to a shop titled The Big Donut.

Having no other choice, she walked in and looked around.

"Oh, hi there."

Shiloh's eyes shifted to a woman about the same highs as her, give or take a few inches, behind the counter. Shiloh approached her with a warm smile. "Hi."

"How are you?" She asked. "Are you visiting town?"

"I'm good. I'm actually staying here for a while, I'm a musician and usually my surroundings inspire me so I just wanted to get a fresh place since I've run it of places back home."

"Oh, that's so cool! We don't get a lot of newcomers that often. Where are you from?"

"Eh, not far from here; I'm from a really small town in Southern Pennsylvania. I came here by bus."

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