2: somewhere special

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The rest of that week was spent avoiding the secluded part of the beach. As much as Shiloh wanted to go there she couldn't bring herself to go. If the woman she saw wasn't truly real she honestly didn't want to find out.

So for that week Shiloh was working on songs and meeting people around town. One of them including a boy her height named Steven along with his friend Amethyst. When Shiloh saw Amethyst she knew that Garnet had to have been real. Amethyst had purple skin and a purple gemstone on her chest. She had that same oddity that Garnet had.

Amethyst and Steven gladly explained to Shiloh what gems where and who the Crystal Gems are. Shiloh was at first hesitant to believe it but eventually gave in. Not for a certain reason, just because she really wanted to believe that all they were saying was true. She had no evidence to prove otherwise anyway.

Shiloh grew a strong liking for Steven and Amethyst. Steven was precious and happy all the time. He reminded her of herself when she was really young. Amethyst was laid back and chill. She found out about Shiloh's music career and encouraged her, even gave her some constructive criticism.

"The bits?" Shiloh asked the two with a soft spoken voice as if she didn't really mean to be heard.

"Yeah, like fry bits." Amethyst explained.

"Is that actually on their menu?"

"No, we just get them for free!" Steven exclaimed.

"Is that- you know what never mind. Sure, let's get 'the bits' for lunch." Shiloh chuckled.

"Hey, we should get the rest of the gems and give Shay a tour!" Steven said to Amethyst.

"Oh, yeah! We should! We could show her all the good places to get food! All the good places to have fun! All the good places to annoy Pearl!"

"Shay?" Shiloh scratched her head.

"Short for Shiloh." Steven said with a smug look. "I'm a genius, right."

"Yes, Steven. You are a genius." Shiloh laughed as she poked Steven's cheek.

The trio made it to the fry shop. There was a small boy in a tank top at the counter.

"Hi PeeDee!"Steven smiled.

"Oh, hey Steven. Who's this?" The boy gestured to Shiloh.

"Oh, this is our new friend, Shiloh." Steven said with that same smug look from before as he wrapped his arm around her. " or Shay for short. I made that up all by myself!"

"Wow, Steven. It's nice to meet you, Shay. I'm PeeDee."

"It's nice to meet you too." Shiloh gave a small wave.

"We want the bits!" Steven yelled out.

"Bits! Bits! Bits!" Amethyst started chanting while pounding her fists.

"Yeah, we want the bits." Shiloh added with an anticlimactically calm expression.

PeeDee gave them an unamused expression before walking to the deep fryer in the back and pouring its small remains into a bag.

PeeDee returned and handed Steven the bag.

"Bits!" Steven happily turned around and started walking back down the boardwalk.

Amethyst quickly caught up and grabbed a hand full of fry bits while Shiloh somewhat lagged behind, admiring the ocean view.

"Want some bits?" Steven asked with his mouth full as he walked backwards to face Shiloh.

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