Chapter 6

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          " Manik has changed so much, every time I imagined seeing him again I expected him to see the monster manik that threw eggs on me n the canteen. The same evil monster." I smiled  remembering the old days and old manik. " But today he wasn't rude at all, he had so much of innocence in him how did this even happen? " I asked him " because his heart still remembers you the changes you brought in him remained even after he lost his memory. After the accident even we expected the old "MONSTER MANIK" he once was but that never happened. He was the same that he was when you were around. You can't see monster inside him because you killed the monster long ago. " 

         Cabir's words filled my heart with pride. Yes I was his gf who left him when he needed me the most but I had to do this cabir. And our conversation was interupted by dad's call.. I talked to dad and told him about cabir how I met him. " How is Navya ? " I asked him " She is okay her bff didin't even bother to call her " cabir again mocked me " She is doing engagement with my brother 'Ranbir' and now she has went to Patna to introduce him to her family" cabir told "WHAT!!" I screamed with shock and happiness. 


I was gazing stars after cabir left. I always keep doing things that kept connected me to manik whether its stars, fireflies or music. " Hey " I heard his voice again GOSH DID I MENTION HOW MUCH I MISSED HIM!! I looked up at him to see him smiling at me. " Hi " I replied . " You are stii up ?" he asked " yeah " I said. It kills me to act like stranger to him when reality is we are or we use to be 'lovers'.  " How come you are still awake? " I asked. I wanted to hear his voice again and again and again " I am not tired not willing to sleep " he said " you were restless so came to see stars and get some peace " I knew it was restlessness which didn't let him sleep and he came to see stars. " what?" " How do you know I like stars?" " who doesn't like stars ?" "I mean look at them they are so beautiful. " " Yes " he smiled " I do love stars " he told " but you know what i like more then stars?" he asked and I raised my eyebrow asking him what. " Fireflies " he said with smile. 

Did he just say fireflies?


  " Fireflies? " I asked him again " yeah , its wiered right? don't ask why because honestly speaking even I don't know, I just do, they give me more peace than stars, I feel connected to them " I continued to gaze at him as he spoke.



        Why was I showing my side to a girl I met today what was wrong with me? I had no idea why I felt comfortable enough to talk about my love for fireflies and stars. Wait, I wouldn't have any conversation with strangers. After that we did some casual talks and I went to my room.



Everything has really changed I wish heknew how badly I wanted to spend time with him, possible more than I have ever wanted anything else. I smiled at him " good night manik " he too respond same with 'Gn'. I had constant smile on my face after two long years. Manik and I spend time under the stars. Sure it wasn't the same as before, but we were here to spend some quality time together. So what if we can't be together? we can at least be friends even if its just for the very little time he's here. I'll capture him in my heart this time, to keep me going for the rest of my life. Last night was the first night where I didin't have a nightmare about manik's accident. I got dressed a little presentable for manik and went outside to see him at the breakfast table. I promised myself to keep safe distance from him so that not to get attracted and addicted to him again 


         " You met Nandini ?! " screamed Aliya as cabir narrated yesterday's events " she is here? she is our manager? how did you know she is our manager??? " mukti also bumbarded  questions. " Anjali told me she is the part of plan " cabir replied. " Anjali who? and what plan? " Aliya immediately asked. " Anjali me, and I am involved with cabir. " Aliya and Mukti went and hugged Anjali as they met their bestfriend aftera span of many years. Dhruv started questioning Anjali that " how she know's  Nandini ? what plan are you talking about ? " Anjali said at the question "know her ? I live with her Dhruv. " "what? " came the joined reaction from Aliya, Mukti and Dhruv. " Nandini is my roommate and bestfriend. we've been living together for two years. " Aliya, Mukti and Dhruv stood there with confused look as they have many questions to ask.


I woke up got dressed and went for breakfast but I got a letter on my table. " Hello manik before you ask where are we, let me tell you we already had our breakfast. Everyone slept, early got up early and had breakfast early. Now you go eat something and meet us at practice later ! (Cabir)......."  I sighed and sat on the table alone to eat. I picked up the menu card and made the the hardest decision what to eat. I was so busy in menu card that I didin't even realize that someone came and sat in front of me. It was Nandini " Good morning " I greeted her politely ignoring that she scared me to death.



      I saw him staring at the menu card incredibly carefully, as if his life depends on what breakfast he chose to eat this morning oh how much I missed these things of him. He finally looked up from the menu card and found me gazing at him. He got surprised at first but then wished me good morning with his ever so charming smile. " Nandini are you okay? " he asked as I was staring him continuously. His words brought me back to reality and I looked down in my lap embarrassed at my own reactions. " yeah I am fine......sor...sorry...I....m..." I stammer trying to come up with an excuse for staring at him so shamelessly "where is cabir? " I asked to distract him " He already had breakfast with rest of the gang so they've left me here alone " " You are not alone manik, I'm here " I say as I once again gaze at him. 

Long chappy guys but I want good response this time nai to I m not updating atleast 10 comments to bante hai na and 20 votes will work 

do vote and comment 

love you all 

see ya....

{Manan} Falling For My Soul-mateWhere stories live. Discover now