Chapter 1

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Bakugou's POV

The day I've waited my whole life for has arrived and that scared me. There was no way of knowing what my fate would be.

"Hey Katsuki, did you hear anything I said"

I looked up to find my mother standing in my doorway. "Sorry no, what was it?"

She sighed, "Look I know your nervous about today, but it's all going to be fine..."

Then my dad walked in. "Of course it is! Because he is going to be a hunter like everyone else in this village has been for centuries."

I stared at him, "Dad, there is no way of knowing what I'll be."

That made my dad mad, "You WILL become a hunter. Not a single person was Chosen otherwise in this family for generations. So don't fuck it up."

Then my mom cut in, "Honey, no one can control these things, so don't be hard on him, I'm sure he will be Chosen a hunter, and it will all be fine."

"IF HE ISN'T HE IS NOT WELCOME IN OUR FAMILY, much less our village. It would disgrace the our name."


"NO! That is final, your have both known this since he was a child."

I was getting really irritated, "Fine, I'm leaving. I need some air. I'll meet you at the ceremony." Then turned on my heel and left my parents both calling for me to come back.

Kirishima's POV

I'm so excited, today I get to go to the tamed lands for the first time, not to mention the capital! My mom has a meeting with the Changeling Council. . So after a week of begging she finally said yes.

And so as we were leaving she gave me another talk, "Okay honey, you no the rules, and make sure to hide your horns. No going half human. People would freak out if they saw your wings and tale. If you do get caught with them for whatever reason, make them believe your a shifter or something."

I sighed, "Yes mom, I know. You've only been telling me this stuff my whole life. I'm 18 today mom, you need to stop worrying."

"I know honey, but you know what happened to your father because of hunters."

"Yes I do. Now let's go. You don't want to be late for to the council." Then started to walk out the door.

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