Chapter 5

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Time skip (3 weeks later)
Kirishima's POV

"So I take it your not normally calm and rational from the stories your mom tells us" I questioned Bakugou. "But you seem so nice now. What changed?"

He shrugged. "I never really fit in anywhere. I was the only one my age in my village. The closet age to me was 20 and some kid who was 15. It was strange. I was always pushed by everyone in the village to become the next greatest hunter like my father."

I growled at that. "Sorry Bakubro but your dad seems like a jerk. I haven't heard a single good thing about him. And what your village thought was the greatest hunter. Was the most fear murderer here. Everyone here is scared of him, since he killed my dad. My dad was kinda like a chief here. Like your dad was of the hunters."

Bakugou just stared at the ground. "I- I k- know."

"You okay?" I asked concerned.

"Yah. Oh. You don't have to worry about offending me about my dad. I hated that man. Everyday he would make me go into the woods and hunt. If I didn't come back with something he would leave me out there until I came back with something."

That made me mad and I growled again, "how often was that?!"

His eyes seemed to darken. "Most of my life. There was this one strange time. That no one in the village could find anything to hunt for months. It was like the lands had been empty. My father didn't believe the villagers and made me go out. Said I could come home till I caught something. I was out there for 5 months. Barely alive. But it just made me wish I was dead even more. I tried to go back once during that time. He refused to let me even in the village. The only thing he said was that if I tried to come back without anything again, he would hurt my mother. She didn't know what was happening. She thought I was away on a trip with friends. And when I finally got something I went home. By the time I got there I was almost dead. And barely breathing. My father did nothing." He let out a shaky breath. Tears running down his face, so I sat next to him and hugged him rubbing his bad. When he calmed down he continued. "He told me to man up and left me alone. The only reason I didn't die was because one of the boys in our village felt bad for me, and would bring me food and supplies. But one day he got caught. And my father banished him to the Wild Land. I never saw him again."

That made me stop and think. Most people who are banished to the wild lands come here at some point. "Bakugou what was the name of the boy who helped you."

"Izuku Midoriya"

Then the sound of plates crashing and shattering to the ground came from behind us and I saw that as Bakugou looked to see who it was his face morphed into a look of pure shock.

And I barely heard him whisper, "Deku?"

Bakugou's POV

I just stood there staring in shock.

It's not possible. It can't be.

But as I looked at the green haired male in front of my. I could see tears start to fall down his face and he whispered, "Kacchan?" Then we both ran to each other hugging and crying.

"I thou- thought your where dead" I sobbed.

Deku shook his head, "I almost was but then Kirishima found me and brought me here. Wait what are you doing here. What about your mother and father. Where you banished?"

I could still feel tears running down my face and I told him what happen. And he just listened. But then his next question shocked me.

"Your Dragon Bound too?"

I looked at him in confusion, "wait but your eyes aren't red."

"Oh that. Remember Ochaco. You called her round face. Well she became a witch and she changed my eye color to make me seem normal so that I could go into the tame lands without worrying that I would be caught. It's permanent, but I already found my changeling soulmate, so I'm okay with it."

"How did you do that" I asked.

"Well actually. Most changelings live in this village, since there aren't as many as there used to be. In fact I think there are less then 100 left. But I'm not sure. No has actually counted. They just estimate..."

"Deku!" I interrupted.

"Huh" he just looks at me.

"Your rambling. I thought you got over that."

Well that made Deku get flustered, since he has always had a habit of rambling since they were kids.

"Oh I'm so sorry" he stuttered. "Well in short. I met my soulmate here. And when we met. We kinda just knew. So I'm guessing you haven't found yours?"

"No" I replied flatly. But then I got curious. "Wait but how did you know for sure?"

He seemed stunned. "No ones talked to you about this stuff yet? Well anyway. If you meet your soulmate changeling and you both kiss, you gain the ability to shift into a dragon and their gifts. You basically become a full changeling. So the scales on your arm are to show that you have a soulmate but what most know is that it's the beginning of you changing into a changeling. But it can't be completed unless you kiss your soulmate."

I just laughed, "that sounds so cheesy. So you became a changeling. You can shift right. Can you show me?"

And so he did. He was a bright green dragon. His scales glittering in the fire light. The. He shifted into half form then human.

"Amazing" I whispered.

Then a man with red and white hair walked up and hugged Deku, saying "hey I'm back. Sorry I was gone so long."

Then he noticed me and froze. "Another Dragon Bound. Is that possible. Who is your soulmate."

Deku replied for me, "He doesn't know yet Shoto, but he is the one I told you about from my village. This is Katsuki Bakugou. Bakugou this is Shoto Todoroki. My soulmate."

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