Chapter 4

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No Ones POV

Suddenly a women's voice rang out through the crowd.

"Eijiro Kirishima! What have you done this time."

And Kirishima froze, "shit she's here"

And the women flew onto the stage, landing behind Kirishima. He turned to her with a sheepish look on his face and shrugged.

"Sorry mom"

"Ei!" She warned.

"Okay I really am sorry. Long story short. This dude is a Dragon Bound," pointing at Bakugou, then to Bakugou's father, "And this dude is his father who just disowned his son for being a Dragon Bound. Oh and he is also the guy who killed dad."

Kirishima's mom looked between the boy and his father with shock then amazement. "OH, I remember you guys. You were the boy who helped hide us when your father went after Ei's dad. But you don't remember that do you? Cause I think I wiped your memory. Sorry 'bout that." Then she turned back to the his father her expression turning from happy to ima 'bout to kill in seconds.

But she said in a surprisingly calm voice, "You. You will pay for what you did. You killed my husband. He didn't do anything. Had never harmed a human in his life. Yet you killed him, not caring that he didn't even fight back. That day you killed him. You had been hurt. He saw you and went to try and help you. And you killed him."

Then a small cry went from the side of the stage as Bakugou's mother ran to Bakugou. "I'm so sorry," she cried. "I knew I should have taken you away from that home when you were little. I'm so sorry. What are we going to do now."

Then shocking both boys, Kirishima's mother turned to them and said, "You are a good mother. You wanted to run. But you knew that his father would have hunted you both and you didn't want him to get hurt. I have also watched you before. You deserve a better life. If you want. You both my come with me and Ei. And you will be free from this land. I know that this man is not your soulmate and he has hurt you long enough."

Kirishima turned to Bakugou and his mother with a look of hope on his face. And Bakugou nodded, knowing that was the best option, since he would not be welcome in the tamed lands anymore.

Then Kirishima and his mother shifted into a full dragon. Bakugou got on Kirishima's back and his mother on the other. And with that they flew off into the sky. Leaving behind the crowd of shocked people and a pissed man vowing for revenge.

Bakugou's POV
As they flew through the sky. Bakugou could see the Great Wall that separates the Tamed Lands from the Wilds. And watch as they flew down to a small village on the edge of a mountain.

When they landed he could see animals, people, and hybrids staring at them in shock. Some scared. Some just curious.

As he climbed down from Kirishima's back his legs out and he fell, and the weight of what happened just minutes ago crashed down on him. It seemed to freak out Kirishima and he quickly shifted into his half form. Catching Bakugou before he hit the ground.

"Omg are you okay? Are you hurt?" He questioned.

I groaned, "I'm fine. Just-"

Then a small voice came from behind Kirishima. "Ei! Your back. Wait. Um. Who is this." Then hid behind Kirishima as he set Bakugou down.

It was a small girl, with long white hair and a single horn. She was also in a half form. Tiny white and silver wings producing from her back.

And so I, shocking my mother, kneeled down and said in a calming voice, "Hello there, my name is Bakugou. Ei here saved me. I really like your horn. Others must be jealous of your beauty. What's your name?"

The little girl seem to perk up immediately and then tugged on Kirishima's clothes. I watched as he leaned down and she whispered in his ear. And he nodded. Then surprising me she ran up to me and hugged me. After getting over the shock. I hugged her back and sat down on the ground. The little girl on my lap.

My mom still staring at me in shock made me pause and snap, "What never seen me be nice before?"

Then the started talking to me and asking questions. "My name is Eri. Kirishima is my big bro. He found me in the forest when I was a baby left alone. He took me in and mommy raised me. I just turned 7 last month. What about you. Ei turned 18 today."

I laughed at her enthusiasm, "Wow your a big girl," pausing when she smiled, so I smiled back. "I just turned 18 today too."

She seemed to get really excited at that, "Wow big bro. Are you Dragon Bound? Your human but have dragon scales! Haha. That's funny. You and Ei have the same eye color. You must be soulmates!"

I turned to Kirishima, and he just blushed and shrugged. "I mean it is possible. But we are probably not. I'm the only dragon with red eyes, but my dad had them too. It's rare for dragons to have red eyes. If you look around. They all have black eyes."

Looking around I saw he was right. "So what does it mean," I asked.

He shook his head. "No idea"

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