Chapter 2

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-FanTiSee is now online-

Skuweet: hey.

FanTiSee: hey.

Skuweet: took you quite a while.

FanTiSee: yeah. did it take your patience a while?

Skuweet: what?! i just logged in.

FanTiSee: "Skuweet: hey. i'm waiting already. - 11:09 pm"

Skuweet: oh my...

FanTiSee: it's around 1 already, but you still managed to wait for me.

Skuweet: this is what i actually do every day.

FanTiSee: seriously?

Skuweet: *stares intently*

FanTiSee: okay.

Skuweet: ...

Skuweet: since you've wanted to improve your self-confidence or fix your speech or something, here’s one question. how is school?

FanTiSee: hm?

Skuweet: how is school?

FanTiSee: ... you're so formal.

Skuweet: okay then. how's school? *smiles like parents stupidly asking about how crappy their child's day went*

FanTiSee: um. it was fine, actually.

Skuweet: any pop quizzes not prepared for?

FanTiSee: we had pop quizzes, and i aced all of them.

Skuweet: you're boasting, aren't you?

FanTiSee: i'm not. i'm claiming that i have done that act.

Skuweet: seriously?

FanTiSee: seriously.

FanTiSee: how about you?

Skuweet: well, something's going to happen tomorrow.

FanTiSee: what?

Skuweet: i don't know either. today, my parents ate dinner with my brother and i, which was really rare since they're so busy.

FanTiSee: then?

Skuweet: they told me that something will happen and that i should  just go with the flow and don't go against it.

FanTiSee: maybe tomorrow's your birthday.

Skuweet: i just aged last month.

FanTiSee: well, maybe you're going somewhere.

Skuweet: us being busy that we couldn't spend time with each other for long? nope.

FanTiSee: holy shit.

Skuweet: what?

FanTiSee: maybe they've arranged a wedding for you with a guy.

Skuweet: there's a 0.1% chance of that ever happening, but.

Skuweet: fuck.

FanTiSee: what are you going to do?

Skuweet: i don't know.

FanTiSee: whoa.

Skuweet: really.

Skuweet: i only think of what to act when i'm in any situation, may it be critical or not.

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