Chapter 4

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"Good morning," Orion greeted as he caught up with Galilei on the walk to the university.

Galilei flinched. "G-good morning."

The two were silent for a moment. Then, they stopped walking and glared at each other with a deadly aura.

"Today, I'll definitely beat you," Orion spat. "You'll go down quickly like a rollercoaster dropping."

"I'll crush you to pieces if you spill it out," Galilei warned. "You shall pay for any damage you will do unto my name."

Their eyebrows furrowed, but they both averted their looks.

"I didn't know you'd still be hard on me even though I found out about your other side," Orion thought out loud.

"Alright-y, mate-y," Galilei walked up to the front of Orion, looked at him, and stopped walking.

"Good morning, Orion Moore!" she said in a high-pitched girl voice that was sickening. "How are you? Did you have fun last night? Let's do it again sometime~!"

Orion choked up. "No. Not that. It doesn't suit you at all. It's not like you to suddenly flirt in a high-pitched voice. And what happened last night? Oh my god…"

She crossed her arms and tapped her foot quickly. "Let's get going, idiot. I don't want to be late for class together with you," she said, back to her normal tone.


"Moore and Palmer," a student called. "You are being summoned by the teacher."

They were having lunch. Orion and Galilei just ate silently while others talked about how Galilei scored higher than him in their long Algebra exam.

Orion looked at his classmate with his mouth full. "Alright, We'll be there in a few."

Galilei, who was sitting in front of him, slapped his arm. "It's bad to talk while your mouth is full."

Orion nearly choked. "I have my own ways, okay? Besides, I've spat none of my favorite white spaghetti."

They went back to their eating. Both Orion and Galilei stared at the middle of their connected desks.

Suddenly, a hand slammed on the polished wood.

"Why do you eat in silence, Moore and Palmer?"

Galilei turned to see the owner of the voice.

A light-brown Asian girl with straight black hair tied into long and low pigtails looked at them with furrowed eyebrows. "You should communicate sometimes, you know?"

"Oi, Miriam. It's bad to eat with your mouth full," two voices said in harmony, one male and the other was female. "They're sticking to the good manners of eating."

A long maroon-haired girl wearing glasses stood beside a taller guy that also had maroon hair but wasn't wearing glasses.

"Art, Ruth, will you please tell Miriam to shut up?" Orion requested as he slowly finished his lunch.

"Heard him, Miriam?" the girl, whom Galilei assumed to be Ruth, said.

"Aye, aye, captain," Miriam said, making a hand salute.

They dispersed into their seats. Orion continued eating while Galilei started keeping her spoon and fork.

"Who were they?" she asked, placing her head on her right hand and staring at Orion as he slowly consumed his lunch.

"The Asian was Miriam Sanchez. Her family is of Philippine blood. They own a business of selling high-class chocolates," Orion said.

"What about the twins?" Galilei asked.

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