Chapter 1

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Percy logged onto his computer for the fifth time that morning. Hurriedly clicking the google chrome app, he tapped his fingers on the keyboard in an attempt to relax. Honestly, Percy shouldn't have been this excited over such a simple youtube video. However, sitting in his room 'fangirling' over 6 normal teenagers uploading a video, unlike the other 4 million people subscribed to them, was a pretty normal occurrence.

After what seemed like an eternity, his computer finally decided to work and Percy wasted no time typing in their youtube channel's url, TheDemigods. His eyes never left the screen as his pathetic excuse of a computer loaded the page. Percy's eyes instantly lit up as he clicked on the group's newest video sporting the title, The 7 Second Challenge.

"They finally uploaded!" Percy muttered happily to himself while clicking play. Seconds later, 6 smiling faces appeared on the screen. Percy noticed they were all seated on a couch in their living room, as they had done most other times when collaborating as a group. Instantly, the girl with long blonde princess curls spoke up.

"Hey guys!" She yelled, waving at the camera. Oh, how Percy wished she was actually waving at just him, not the millions of other people watching the same video. Despite that thought, she continued, "Annabeth here! And today I'm joined with these lovely humans in which I share a house with!" The rest of the teens sitting on the couch then waved and announced their names; going from Hazel to Frank to Piper to Leo to Jason.

A chorus of hellos and what's ups soon erupted from their mouths. And just like that they began to discuss the video. And today's video was fairly simple, Percy noticed. The rules of the 7 second challenge, as Leo called it, were fairly simple.

1. Complete the task given to you in under 7 seconds.

And that was it. Percy chuckled along with the others as the first task, created by Annabeth, was given out. Her directions were simple. "You have 7 seconds to get me a snack," she stated, beginning to laugh as the other scrambled to find any morsel of food scattered about their always messy house. The scene ended with a bag of apples, some orange soda, and a biscuit all being hurled at Annabeth from across the room along with Leo jumping in frame at the last second holding a package of tortillas.

Percy chuckled at Annabeth's shocked expression as she picked biscuit crumbs out of her hair. What a dork, he thought as it was decided that Piper would give the task next.

Much to Percy's dismay, the video ended 8 minutes later. He wished he could watch their videos all day, but alas homework was calling his name. At times like this, he really hated still being in high school.

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Hours later, when his mountain of homework has finally been deminished to a small stack of papers, Percy decided it was time to take a small break. Not that he hadn't been taking any before, that is, since homework and ADHD don't really mix well. Nonetheless, he procedded to throw his math textbook off his bed, jumping slightly at the loud noise it made when it hit the floor. He was so going to hear it from the neighbors downstaris for that one. His laptop quickly took the old book's place.

And for the sixth time today, Percy loaded TheDemigods youtube channel.

He was pleasntly suprised to see that they had uploaded another video. Instanty, he went to click on the video noticing it was titled The Big Announcement. While waiting for the video to stop buffering, he unlocked his phone and tweeted:

@pjackson: @theannabethchase @badboyvaldez @frankzhanged @hlevesque @piperrmcleann @jason_grace, two updates in one day? what's gotten into you guys? (not that I'm complaining...)

By the time the video stopped buffering he had actually recieved a reply, and this time it was a legit answer, unlike the time his friend Rachel pranked him. "Mom!" he shouted excitely, sprinting into the small apartment living room. "The Jason Grace just replied to my tweet! Look!"

Without waiting for her reply, he tossed her his phone and she caught it, her eyes skimming the screen. It read:

@jason_grace: @pjackson I know right! Kinda crazy, isn't it? Hope you like the videos!

"That's great, Percy!" his mom replied, smiling. "Did you tell Rachel? I heard you guys talking about them the other day." "Shit, I didn't. Uh, thanks mom?" He laughed, grabbing his phone and running full speed towards his bedroom.

The video remained paused as he quickly dialed his friend's number, pausing to steady his breath before clicking call. "Rachel you better fucking answer," Percy muttered into his phone, pacing back and forth across the room.

Seconds later Rachel answered, but before she could say anything words started tumbling out of Percy's mouth.

"Rach you won't believe it!" Percy cried happily. "Jason replied to my tweet, and leo and frank favorited it! "

The other side of the line was silent for a moment before Rachel could be heard squealing loudly. "Oh my fucking... no way Percy!" She yelled into his ear. "That's amazing!"

Percy laughed loudly and a smile spread across his face. "Let's keep this whole me-freaking-out-because-Jason-replied-to-my-tweet thing between us, okay? I don't want the entire world knowing how, uh, dedicated to these guys I am."

He could pracically see Rachel smirking on the other side of the phone. "More like obsessed, Percy. I'm pretty sure your entire world is their videos."

He chuckled for a moment, before silently addmitting to himself that her statement held a ring of truth to it. "Gosh, I really have to find some new hobbies..." He groaned.

"Go skateboarding," she replied, stating it as though it was obvious. In a way, it kind of was. Besides youtube and homework (and eating too), skateboarding was all Percy seemed to spend his time doing.

Silently, Percy made up his mind before ending the conversation he was having with Rachel. Skateboarding was just what he needed right now.

Watching their next video could wait a little while.

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Hello everyone! This is a new fanfic I am going to be starting and I hope you will enjoy it as much as I do! I'll attempt to update this as frequently as possible for you guys.

- writing theif

The Demigods (A Percy Jackson and the Heroes of Olympus Fanfic)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora