Chapter 2

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"Mom I'll be outside!" Percy called, slamming the door to their tenth story apartment. He adjusted the skateboard he was holding under his left arm before walking towards the stairwell at the end of the hall. One of the downsides of living in a apartment in the middle of New York City was all stairs one needed to climb in order to get anywhere.

"We need an elevator", Percy mumbled after finally arriving at the lobby. "That took way too much effort."

"Good day, Percy," the desk attendant said as the black haired boy walked by, startling him from his thoughts of elevators and excercise.

"Oh, hello Charon. How's... uh, how's the apartment building doing?" Percy replied stuttering. Charon gave him a small half-smile before the boy finally walked out the front doors. Percy shuddered, Charon always gave him the creeps. Not as much as Gabe used to, though.

The cool November air hit Percy like a brick as the glass door slid closed behind him. He had two choices. One: go left towards the abanodned park or two: go right towards the crowed children's park. Obviously, he went left.

(Of course, going right wouldn't have been a bad idea if his previous journey to the children's park hadn't ended with a few broken ankles and some mowed down toddlers.)

Without wasting a second, Percy hopped on his board and sped down the busy New York City avenue. Suprisingly, he managed to get to the park without running over any angry businessmen.

This time anyway.

Running people over was kind of Percy's thing, not that he wanted it to be "his thing". But Rachel insisted it was part of his "character" and that he must "embrace that side of him".

Sometimes he really regretted becoming friends with her.

"Nobody's here, perfect!" he sighed, taking a look around the park. However, park wouldn't be the correct term. A prision yard would come closer to describing what the place actually looked like.

Metal fencing decorated with iron spokes circled the perimeter, giving the whole place an erie vibe.

Not that it matter to Percy. With nobody around and plenty of rails and ramps to do tricks off of, Percy didn't care that it looked like he was playing in a prison yard.

In a instant he slapped his helmet on (Sally always made him wear one) and was off, skating around the park outer edge of the park. He headed towards the ramp, just barely reaching it before he turned away.

Next time, however, Percy took off like a bolt of lightning. One second he was on the ground riding up the ramp and the next he was in the air doing a 360 spin.

"Yes!" Percy cheered triumphantly, circling the park once more in a mock-victory lap. Even though he'd been able to complete that move for a while, it still gave him a rush of pride whenever he successfully completed it.

He practiced until night fell upon the city, draping it's dark velvety curtain over the sun. Stars glistened in the sky as Percy made his way back home,

As soon as he opened the door his mother cried out, "Percy! Where have you been? Didn't you remember Paul was coming over for dinner tonight?"

Percy winced. He'd completely forgotten. "Mom..." he began, choosing his words carefully. "I'm really sorry I wasn't back sooner. I promise it won't happen again!"

She sighed and reached up to ruffle his messy black hair. "It's fine, Perce. Just let's hurry and get back to the table before Paul eats all the food!" She laughed, leaving Percy into the dining room.

"Hi Percy!" Paul smiled, lifting his hand up from its spot on the table and making what Percy assumed was a waving gesture with it. "Hello, Paul!" Percy replied back with a grin.

"Don't worry," said Paul chuckling. "You didn't miss anything too interesting. Sally and I were just talking about the novel she's been working on."

Percy laughed back. As much as he enjoyed his moms writing, he couldn't stand the two of them talking about it for hours on end. Then again, they didn't enjoy talking about skateboarding as much as Percy liked to.

He mentally decided that as soon as possible, he would excuse himself from the table. "How could they possibly talk about books for that long?" Percy muttered under his breath humorously. After putting his dish in the sinks he quietly excused himself from the conversation and made way into his bedroom.

Thank you all for being so patient waiting for this update! I know it's very short and kind of uninteresting but I promise the next chapter will more exciting!

- thewritingtheif

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