Chapter 4

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Annabeth's POV

Annabeth glanced around the room, staring at the freshly painted walls. Their light green color was supposed to "calm nerves and relax the mind". That was what her father had told her, anyway. But as of now, the walls seemed to trap Annabeth inside, keeping her locked up with only her thoughts to keep her company.

The blonde sighed, falling back on the bed in the corner of the room. Her eyes gazed upon the pristine ceiling that was recently built. In that moment, Annabeth decided she hated it. She hated the gorgeous archways that connected the dining room to the kitchen and she hated the vaulted ceilings in the living room. But what she hated the most was the fact that her mom decided to build the damn house all the way in New York City, 2000 miles away from her friends.

Her family.

Without realizing it, a few lonely tears slipped from her eyes and within seconds more came to follow. Her vision blurred as she flipped over, shoving her face into the multiple pillows scattered randomly about her bed.

Annabeth picked up on the faint click-clack of high heels that was slowly making itself towards her bedroom door. Mother, Annabeth thought to herself, quietly sitting up and pretending to be busy looking at her phone.

"Oh, you're up already dear!" She heard her mother's voice call out from behind her.

"Yeah," Annabeth replied softly, clicking her phone shut and turning around to face the woman in the doorway. Her blond hair was pinned up in a tight bun and she was dressed the only way Annabeth had ever seen her mother, all business and formal as fuck. Athena Chase was always formal as fuck.

"You know school starts in an hour, right?" Athena replied, not noticing the lack of effort Annabeth seemed to be putting into the conversation.

"I'm well aware of this, mom," Annabeth sighed. "Why did we have to move again?"

This time it was Athena's turn to sigh, and she did so as she sat down next to Annabeth on the unmade bed.

Without turning to face her daughter, she coldly stated, "You know why, Annabeth. I've told you this plenty of times. It was best for the company if we opened our new office in New York instead of California."

Annabeth mumbled a small "I know" before putting her head in her hands. She felt Athena place a warm hand on her shoulder (which was ironic because Athena was anything but warm) before getting up and loudly walking away.


The school was bland and Annabeth was very unimpressed to say the least. Not that her old school had been much better, that is. It was equally as bland, though most schools seemed to be that way. The only difference was they were there.

Annabeth looked down at the slim black watch she hastily grabbed on her way out the door. It's time read quarter to eight.

Leo's probably harassing Jason for not getting him coffee right about now, Annabeth thought, chuckling ever so slightly. And Piper's probably just standing their laughing.

"I would've been doing the same", she mumbled softly as she turned down another hallway. Shaking her head in attempts to get the thoughts to leave her mind, she set off to explore for the fifteen minutes she still had before she had to go to class.

However, her journey was short lived as she turned around the corner to another hallway, running right into another person. They collided, both falling to the ground in a pile of books and limbs.

She heard the other person groan and attempt to sit up as she did the same, which caused her to come face to face with a boy that was currently holding his hand in pain. Annabeth was startled when he looked over at her under a mess of jet black hair. His most exciting feature: the pair of sea green eyes that scanned Annabeth as she looked over at him.

He shook his head and laughed a bit before leading his hand out towards her. "This is a strange introduction, but I don't think I've seen you here before. I'm Percy." The boy said, a smile beginning to spread across his face.

Annabeth laughed a little at his enthusiasm. "Nice to meet you, I'm Annabeth. Annabeth Chase." She said, grabbing his hand and shaking it. It felt soft and warm and friendly, though Annabeth didn't know how much she could trust from a goddamn handshake.

And then she waited for the statement. The thing she was always seemed to be told after meeting someone new. 'Oh, you're that Annabeth Chase! The one with the YouTube channel!'

But, to Annabeth's great surprise, the statement never came. The only thing that did come, however, was Percy offering to walk her to her first class.

"And I just figured, y'know," He continued after handing her a textbook off the floor. "That I could walk you there since I have that class too."

"You're in honors English too?" Annabeth asked slightly surprised, hoping that it didn't sound too stuck-up.

Percy ruffled a hand through his hair. "Yeah, I get that a lot. My dad's the professor so I get extra help all the time." He said, smiling sheepishly.

"That's cool! It must come in handy at times," Annabeth smiled.

"I guess," Percy said after a moment. "But not when he knows I've been procrastinating doing my essays because I've been watching too many Youtube videos."

Annabeth laughed (She seemed to be doing that a lot around him, strangely).

"So," she continued. "You gonna walk me to class any time soon?"

Percy's face flushed bright red before he stuttered out a quick "Oh yeah!" and bolting down one of the hallways.


So I've decided I'm going to be switching POVS! However, I'm just gonna keep it between Percy and Annabeth for now! Hope you all enjoy :)


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