Chapter 3

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Percy awoke to the loud, blaring sound of his alarm clock spazzing out at precisely 5 in the morning.

"What the actual fuck," he muttered, picking his face up off his pillow while cautiously opening his eyes. The bright red numbers read 5:02 am. "You've got to be fucking kidding me," he groaned while harshly pulling out the plug to the alarm clock, putting a rapid stop to the obnoxious beeping noise.

"Oh, Percy!" His mom said, peering into his room. "You're up this early on a Monday?"

That statement caused Percy to groan in agony again. "It's Monday?" He whined into his pillow.

"Sadly," Sally replied. "Well, since you're already up I can drop you off at school early!"

Percy shot up, raising one eyebrow. "You're joking, right?"

"Nope," she laughed. Percy couldn't fathom how she was this cheerful on a Monday morning. "Come on at eat some breakfast before we go!"


The walls of the school were gray.

The seats were gray.

The gymnasium was gray.

Everything, it seemed, was fucking gray in this school.

"Couldn't they have used some color?" Percy wondered aloud, roaming the empty halls. He shot Rachel a quick text telling her to come early so they could complain about Mondays together, but she hadn't answered. Percy came to the conclusion that she was most likely sleeping.

The real question was when was she not sleeping? No matter the time of day, whenever Percy managed to call or text her, she was sound asleep. Perks of always having an empty house, Percy thought.

He came to a stop in front of an open English classroom door. Peering inside, he say the figure of a man hunched over the desk in the corner of the room.

Percy took a hesitant step forward, landing on a squeaky floor tile which caused the man to instantly swing his head around. "Ah shit sorry man." Percy quickly muttered. "Didn't mean to scare you there."

The man sighed and put down whatever object he was currently holding. "It's fine, young man. Who are you?" he questioned, looking Percy over with a suspicious glance. He was probably wondering why Percy was there at the crack of dawn.

Honestly, Percy was wondering the same thing.

"I'm Percy," he replied cautiously. "Percy Jackson."

"Ah, you're that Jackson kid Paul always talks about," the man replied, taking a few steps toward Percy.

"Wait, hold up. You mean like Paul Blofis, as in my step-dad?" Percy blurted out, giving the man a questioning glance.

The man laughed lightheartedly. What was with everyone and laughing at 6 in the morning?

"I assume you're wondering who I am. I'm one of your step-father's coworkers," the man stated sophistically. "I'm an engineering teacher and my name's Frederick Chase."

Wait, Percy thought. Did he say Frederick Chase?

But, of course, it couldn't be the same Chase that would be related to the Annabeth Chase? No, it simply couldn't be.

Mr. Chase gave Percy a questioning look followed by the question, "Boy, are you okay? You look like you've just seen a ghost!"

"No, no sir I'm fine. Just a little tired, that's all."

He gave Percy one last suspicious glance before turning back to his desk. "Well, it was nice meeting you, Percy."

"You too, uh, Sir," Percy said, quickly walking out of the room. As soon as the doorway was a few feet behind him, Percy broke out into a sprint, heading for the library.

Once inside the dusty librabry, he pulled out his phone and hastily dialed Rachel's number. Practically chewing al of his fingernails off, he waited impatiently for her to answer.

After he longest twenty seconds of his life, she finally answered.

"Percy, what do you want?" She asked, her yawn crackling through the phone.

"I think Annabeth's dad might be one of our new teachers!"

Percy could tell his statement has woken her up for good, as her voice immediately perked up. "Wait, no way! You've got to be kidding me!"

"Yes way!" Percy half-screamed back, words spilling out his mouth. "Remember that vlog she put up a while back? The one about her dad that mentioned he might be transferring jobs!"

He could practically see her rolling her eyes, scoffing him for the fact that he remembered every video Annabeth posted.

What? That's what fans do, right?

"Please tell me you have a class with him!" She gushed, laughing a little.

"I don't think I do. But I'm gonna ask if my dad knows him later!" Percy replied, a small frown growing on his face.

One the called had ended, Percy had never wished more that it was the end of the day.


Here's a small update. Hope you guys enjoy! -thewritingtheif

The Demigods (A Percy Jackson and the Heroes of Olympus Fanfic)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz