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@mercious: so this is me trying not to totally fan girl over the fact I got to spend a full day with Tom Holland

Oops! Bu görüntü içerik kurallarımıza uymuyor. Yayımlamaya devam etmek için görüntüyü kaldırmayı ya da başka bir görüntü yüklemeyi deneyin.

@mercious: so this is me trying not to totally fan girl over the fact I got to spend a full day with Tom Holland...
Tagged: @Tomholland2013
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@usera: the fact they are friends because of her thirst tweets is so iconic

@tomholland2013: my smile literally says don't freak out! Act natural it's only one of your favourite artists sitting next to you.
L @mercious: wait, what????
L @mercious: I'm one of your favourite artists? I think you forgot to mention that on our whatever we're gonna call it
L @tomholland2013: I didn't want to i don't know but I'm calling it our friend date

@isabellalayhey: will you just date?
L @mercious: WE JUST MET OMG

@therealnickrobinson: you two are stealing our thunder
L @mercious: HOW? We aren't even dating!!!
L @therealnickrobinson: YET
[ liked by tomholland2013 and 128 others ]


@newhopegeorge: no no no tomholland2013 you can be going around and stealing mercy and my things. We had friend dates and they are ours
L @userc: looks like someone is getting jealous😂
L @usere: yo he has a right to be jealous they used to date so technically they weren't 'friend' dates
L @newhopegeorge: for the record I'm not jealous I was just copyrighting friend dates to me and mercy
L @mercious: we can still have our friend dates Georgie
L @newhopegeorge: i would hope so
L @tomholland2013: Don't worry I'll figure another name out
L @newhopegeorge: thank you

It's short like the last one so I'll probably update again today

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