Chapter 34- Rosetta Coleman

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Once Aaron fell asleep, Rose snuck out and went to a local beauty store. She bought hair dye and colored contacts with money she earned from a fight club, then quickly returned back to the apartment. She went into the bathroom, and got to work dying her hair. After a while, she washed out the dye and looked in the mirror at her new look. Her now dark brown hair seemed out of place on her head, but she was satisfied.


Rose woke up on a pastel blue couch, and took a second to remember where she was. Aaron was already awake, and was cooking something on the stove. Rose sat up and took her blanket off, and stretched her arms.
"Hey kid, ready for your first real day at high school?" Aaron asked.
What he meant by first "real day" was that the day before Rose went in to take a test. That test judged what classes she could take, and how far along she was. Her results were above average in math, below average in American history, and average in everything else.

Rose nodded and packed her blanket into her black backpack. She went into the bathroom to change, and came out in her jeans with a new t-shirt, and her brown colored contacts in. Aaron told her that her old worn out shirt wouldn't cut it, so he bought her a new one. Aaron saw the sheath on Rose's thigh, something he never saw before because the counter at the store hid it from his vision.
"How long have you had that knife?" He questioned.
"Years," Rose replied.
"Well you can't bring weapons into a school so leave it here," he explained to her.
Rose seemed extremely hesitant, but carefully removed the sheath from her thigh. She handled it with care as she put it into her backpack, and zipped it back up. Aaron offered her some breakfast, and she thanked him as she ate.
"Oh since your backpack holds all your other stuff, you can use my old backpack for school related items," Aaron said with a smile as he reached down and grabbed a dark red backpack.
"Thanks, that really helps," Rose replied with a slight smile.
"No problem, by the way when did your hair and eyes change?" He asked eating some food himself.
"Oh last night, the blue always attracted unwanted attention," She explained.
Aaron nodded in understanding, then went into the bathroom himself.

Rose finished getting ready, and carefully grabbed the red backpack. There were new notebooks and folders already in it, and a pencil case with pens and pencils. Rose stared in shock that Aaron already got her new supplies, and swore to repay him one day.
"Alright I'm heading to the store, you better not be late on your first day. Oh and lock the door on your way out," Aaron reminded Rose as her put on shoes and walked out of the door.
Rose waved goodbye, and went back to tying her sneakers. Aaron said she needed new shoes, but Rose reassured him that her shoes looked worse than they actually were. She walked out of the door, making sure to lock it with the spare key Aaron gave her. She walked out of the building, and towards the high school.


Rose walked into the school and past all the other students. She walked over to the locker she was assigned the previous day, and began to put her extra books into it. Rose felt really out of place, she had never gone to a real school before. Someone opened the locker next to her, so she looked at them. It was a teenage boy who looked to be around 15 with short brown curly hair and eyes. He wore jeans and a shirt with a science pun. She swore she met him before, and stared at him. He noticed her staring, and looked up.
"Oh um are you new?" He asked.
"Oh uh yeah. Sorry for staring you just look really familiar," Rose explained with an awkward smile.
"Oh no problem-."
"Hey Penis!"
Rose turned to another boy waking up to the brown haired boy. She suddenly remembered Times Square many months ago when she ran into a boy named Peter.
"Are you Peter?" Rose asked.
The brown haired boy looked at Rose and nodded.
"Yeah, who are you?"
"Hey Penis don't ignore me!"
"I'm Rosetta," she replied.
The boy who was yelling shoved Peter against his locker, and ended up slamming Rose's locker shut.
"Hey dipshit, back the fuck off would ya?" Rose asked stepping towards the one holding Peter by the collar.
"Oh the new kid's got guts? Back off this doesn't involve you," the teen spat.
"It does when you annoy the shit out of me. Now take your fragile masculinity with you on the way out," Rose sighed opening her locker again.
The teen sighed and let go of Peter. He walked away and mumbled something about pay back.

"Who was that?" Rose questioned Peter.
"Oh that's Flash, don't mind him," Peter chuckled.
"Why do you let him do that?" She asked putting her backpack back on.
"It's either me or someone else, so I choose me."
"That's oddly heroic, but I get what you mean."
"So how did you know my name?"
"We bumped into each other in Times Square, and you told me your name."
"...ohh that was you? The one with the blue hair?"
"Small world huh?"
Peter checked his watch, and warned Rose they were going to be late to class. They waved goodbye, and hurried off.

Rose walked into her first period class, which was biology. She introduced herself per instruction of the teacher, and took a seat in the back next to a girl with long brown curly hair up in a loose ponytail. Her and Rose never said a word to each other, and they quietly worked in class.
"Hey loser, thanks for not trying to make awkward conversation," the girl said standing up to leave after class ended.
"Same to you," Rose replied.
"MJ," the girl introduced herself walking away.
"Rose," Rose responded grabbing her backpack.


Rose walked into the lunchroom and looked around for a place to sit. It was a bit overwhelming, Rose tended to stay away from large crowds. Someone with lunch tray bumped into her, and dropped their wallet.
"Oh I'm sorry that's my fault," they apologized.
Rose looked at the person and saw they were a boy. He had short brown hair with a middle part, wore an unzipped jacket with a maroon T-shirt underneath, and weighed more than average but not enough that Rose considered him fat. Rose bent down, picked up his wallet for him, and put it on his tray back where it was originally.
"I'm Ned by the way, oh Peter mentioned you earlier. Do you need a place to sit?" Ned asked.
"Sorta yeah," Rose replied.
Rose followed Ned, who she noticed she was slightly taller than, to a table. Peter was already sitting there, and MJ was on the opposite side of the table silently reading a book. Ned sat next to Peter, and Rose sat in the middle of the distance between Ned and MJ.

"Hey Rosetta, how's your first day been?" Peter asked taking a bite of his food.
"Just Rose works, and not bad. I don't know if it's what I expected though," Rose said opening the front pocket of her backpack and taking out an apple.
"What did you expect?" Ned questioned.
"I'm not sure, never been to a school before," she replied taking a bite of an apple.
"Oh were you homeschooled before?" Ned asked.
"Yeah I guess that's what it would be called," she answered.
"Yeah I guess this would be much different," Peter muttered.
Rose couldn't help but feel she heard Peter's voice from somewhere other than Times Square. The more she heard his voice, the worse this feeling grew.

"So Rose, what's your favorite movie? Mines probably Return of the Jedi," Ned stated, Rose could easily tell he really wanted to geek out about this movie.
"I don't think I've ever seen one, but I'll make sure I watch that one," Rose answered making a mental note to watch it.
"Ok ok ok hold up, you've never seen a single movie?! Not only that but you can't just skip straight to Return of the Jedi. First you have to watch the first five Star Wars movies, or Return of the Jedi won't make any sense," Ned explained, Rose seeming a bit overwhelmed.
"Wait how could you never see a single movie? What do you do in your free time?" Peter asked taking a bite of food.
Rose finished chewing her food, and used that short time to think about her answer.
"I train, in fighting," Rose answered.
Peter seemed particularly interested in this, Ned thought it was cool, and this was the first time MJ glanced up from her book.
"Well maybe some day the three of us can binge watch all the Star Wars movies," Ned suggested looking at her and Peter.
Rose nodded and smiled a little.
"I'd like that."

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