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When Peter wakes up, he's alone.

This time, Peter doesn't check the time on the alarm clock. He jumps out of bed and runs to the bathroom, throwing up in the sink before letting out a sob.

not real, not real, not real-

Peter stares at his reflection like he did before. He looked completely broken with still heavy bags under his eyes despite just waking up. Suddenly, Tony's voice echoed in his ears.

Break the mirror.

He lifts his trembling fist and punches the mirror with all of his strength. The glass shatters.

Then, all he feels is pain in his right hand. He lifts it and sees blood oozing down his fingers and staining the granite below him. Peter smiles and lets out a sigh of relief.

"Peter, what did you do?"

He turns and makes eye contact with a shocked looking Pepper. Morgan was standing right behind her with confusion taking over her face. Peter expects to feel some form of ease at the sight of them but instead he just feels numb. He focuses on the burning sensation of his hand.

"I broke the mirror" Peter explained.

Pepper examined the surroundings of the bathroom, taking note of the blood and vomit that was starting to mix in together. She turned to Morgan.

"I need you to do me a huge favor and get Daddy from the garage. Tell him to come upstairs and bring the first aid kit, okay?"

Morgan quickly glanced at Peter and nodded, silently turning to leave. Once Morgan was away from the bathroom, Pepper finally walked in and carefully stepped around the glass. She turned on the sink and gently grasped Peter's wrist, moving his hand so it was directly under the now running faucet.

Then, Pepper pulled out tweezers from the bathroom cabinet. She situated Peter so he was sitting on the closed toilet seat. By the time Tony came with the first aid kit, she already had half of the glass out of his hand.

"What the hell happened?"

"I broke the mirror" Peter explained again. Pepper momentarily paused with the tweezers as Tony asked his next question

"And why exactly did you break the mirror?"

"You told me too."

"I... told you too?" Peter was taken aback by Tony's confusion.

He glanced down at the floor, just now fully processing the shattered glass scattered around the room. He looked at mirror itself only to see the entirety of it cracked. He shot up at the realization.

"I broke the mirror- oh my god, I broke the mirror, I am so sorry Mr. Stark, I wasn't thinking clearly and- I just did it without thinking and I can pay for a new one, how much do mirrors cost?"

Pepper placed a hand on each of his shoulders and forced him to sit back down. Tony was now much closer than before, and both of them were staring at him with so much worry in their eyes. It reminded him of the time Peter broke his elbow in fourth grade, Ben and May looked at him the exact same way.

"I don't care about the damn mirror. What I do care about is your hand, how does it feel?"

He looked down at the hand in question. Pepper had successfully taken all the glass shards out and was now wrapping it up with bandages.

"It doesn't hurt too bad." A blatant lie.

"Buddy, I can't believe I have to say this, but you're not allowed to punch mirrors. That's what we have training rooms for."

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