Mary's Entry

72 7 2

Wednesday ~ July 15, 1982

Today, I've come to terms with being honest with myself and the fact that I still carry such conflicting emotions in my heart. Our wedding is next Sunday, and Joseph has been on cloud nine throughout the whole process. He supported every effort, never got frustrated when things went wrong, and always with a smile...always reassuring. I love him even more because of it, but as for myself I've been anxious about everything from the day I decided to accept his proposal, because of who we are and where we are. I, an American Indian and he, an African American, here in the United States of America where things are still very difficult. Times are changing, but many still have their prejudices and they will be here for a long time.

After so many years, we've built a wall of sorts against many undesirable occurrences in our daily routines, but what about the children we are planning for? Will our care for them be enough to help protect them growing up? Can we nurture them the right way, so they won't bend and break? Will they be content with themselves and their identity? Can we endure all the uncertain times ahead? What of our marriage in the years to come? Should we have just stayed within our races to avoid all the trouble? I have asked myself this question many times, and each time the answer is the same. But sentiments fade so quickly with each obstacle, will we regret everything and resent each other? Will we continue to be there for each other for better or worse? My thoughts race from one question to another constantly and I don't know the answers. Only time will tell what the outcome of our story is. I hope it all works out well...


Hi, welcome to my story Trial of the Senses! I'm glad the cover got your attention, and now you're here! This is one of the hundreds of ideas born on a daily basis and while I was planning and writing the story, the temptation was great to begin updating instead of my original plan to finish the first draft. I hope this method will keep me motivated because I really want this story to be out there.

As you may have also noticed, my story involves people with Native American heritage. Something I see very little of here on Wattpad. I'm a black woman who loves reading historical fiction, and the ones that involve indigenous tribes and people always catch my attention, but you never really see quality stories with these people in a modern setting, much less in Romance. It's great to see black writers and characters getting more attention, but I also wanted to shed some light on Native Americans. There can never be too much diversity, right?

With that said, I hope you enjoy this journey we're about to start, vote and comment so I'll know you want more. Also outside of that, I hope you learn more about these people and show them love and support because America is in their blood.

Updates coming every fortnight :)

UPDATE - 9/20/2020

Due to the workload that school has, sadly I will not able to update till Christmas when I have time.  I wish I could but this what life brings me, but this book will be finished.  If I am able to during this fall semester you will see updates but the majority of development will be coming when full liberation comes.  In the meantime I hope you all stay safe and healthy. Don't do anything stupid, wear a mask!

Trial of the SensesWhere stories live. Discover now