Seven: Secret

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I've experienced these scenarios multiple times where the decision is made to do something, but the moment I do, the gut feeling screaming at me to avoid it begins to ring like sirens. When Clark's voice took on that depth of dual meaning when agreeing to chat, I wondered about what muddle I'd gotten myself into.

"So lunch?" He asked.

"No need for that, I don't have much to say apart from good luck," I paused to get my words together, "and thanks for helping when I came. It was really appreciated---"

"Miss Johnson---"

"Even though down the line we got on the wrong foot, I want to put that behind us."

Clark sighed, "Can I speak now?"

"You did interrupt when obviously I wasn't finished, so your question isn't warranted but yes now you can."

He gave a dry laugh, "Nice Miss Johnson, very nice. Well, this olive branch offering is really touching..."

I hoped the Lord was holding my hand for this.

"Very kind of you. The problem is I hate the fact that it has a hint of insincerity attached..."

What in the world...?

" breaking up over the phone--"

"W-wait a minute. Stop right there Mr. Clark."

There. My confirmation that it was a bad idea. Went down the wrong path. This guy really had a gift.

"Don't twist this, ok? We're both busy people; as a matter of fact I should be out working now. I just called to end on a good note. You can take or leave it, but it is sincere and we don't need to do this over lunch."

"Oh yes we do," he chuckled, "or you'll regret it. I wasn't going to ever tell my little secret but I want to see your reaction."

"I don't really care. Later."


The phone came smashing down onto the receiver. Lisa. Not Miss Johnson. Something had changed to make my respectable image regress from Miss Johnson to being mere Lisa in his eyes. Mr. Clar--Sydney was always finding ways to get under my skin, was this a new one?

It wasn't time to waste mulling over the exchange; the morning was quickly slipping away. Days flew by. If there was a hint of Clark nearby I avoided him, but it somehow disturbed my peace of mind. It wasn't like him to just drop his intentions out of the blue. It was as if nothing had happened. So what did I do? I caught the elevator with him one morning. It was just the two of us yet the only thing he said in response to my greeting was good morning L I S A.

"Alright..." I said, "Sydney what did you want to tell me? I'm right here waiting with great anticipation to hear about this secret."

Clark didn't turn around, but I could see the grin reflected on the silver doors.

"Now Miss Johnson wants to talk." He glanced over his shoulder, "Nevermind. Forget I even mentioned it."

I frowned, "Don't be mysterious."

He sipped his coffee, "But I'm not. You know me; always trying to ruffle your pristine feathers. How are your parents by the way? Such lovely people."

"You've never met my parents. Don't try to change the subject Mr. Clarke."

He laughed, "I said don't worry about it. Olive branch accepted."

His hand moved to pat my shoulder as the doors opened. It was with great satisfaction that I quickly left with a brief parting.

"I really will miss your warm presence Miss Johnson!"

That was the last I saw of him for the rest of the time his company spent there. Clarke hardly managed to convince me on that day, and Angela was promptly encouraged to keep watch.

"A secret? Who does he think he is?" She huffed, "This is exhausting, I should just quit and work with you. He's probably just saying things."

"I'm inclined to think so too, but just to be safe keep him under your radar."


"And Angela... I hate to say this but, please be more discreet about Gabriel. If things go wrong---"

"He'll suspect you, although I'm kind of surprised he hasn't already."

Maybe he was already on the road to suspecting the connection. Just a little background check would lump her and I together. The only thing stopping him was the little knowledge he had about me.  All he would need was the smoke to put out the fire in his company.

"Don't worry Lisa, I'll be careful," Angela said. "At least until this is cleared up."


Hi! Short chapter this week. I'll make it up to you ;-)

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2020 ⏰

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