One: Their Decision

44 5 4

Monday - May 8, 2017


For me, the special remedy for waking up at the crack of dawn at times was morning fog. Not very interesting? Indeed, for most people it's nothing. What's so great about fog? It's aura of mystery, I thought. This natural damp smoke made by nature fascinated me, it made everything it surrounded beautiful. Even the pink-yellow glow of the sky in the horizon looked better. The plants, the songs of birds...everything seemed to take on new meaning in a dawn blanketed by this force.

The reason I brought all this up was because, I get very philosophical in the mornings. I thought life was a lot like it. We're born into this world and must grow and figure out the meaning of life. Why am I here? Who am I? Mystery surrounded us, and sometimes we blindly must find our way through this fog. That's what growing up in my family was like. My older brothers and I were, in a way, set up for a multitude of unnecessary hardships because of the combination that makes us who we are but at the same time, we don't completely understand who we are... "Right Clyde?"

Clyde stretched his white-orange paw out towards me, exposing pink pads, and yawned in response before settling down on my duvet again.

"Not in the mood to speak this morning?"

His eyelids slid open for a brief moment in response. 

I stretched a numb leg then got up from my perch by the window, "Alright...let's get going."

I pulled at the bed sheets to begin the process of making bed as my cat leapt from the bed and wandered through the door.

"There," I centered the remaining pillow on my bed.

After briefly scanning the room to ensure nothing was out of place, and noting the clock already read 6:15 a.m., I went into the kitchen to start another busy Monday morning. A special Monday at that. As I gave Clyde his food and water, a growing smile took control of my lips as the sound of his eager munching increased. What should I make for breakfast? Pancakes decorated by strawberries and maple syrup, with warm, scented teecino tea sweetened with honey. I could already taste it all. A simple morning feast to start my day of success.

Today, Mr. and Mrs. Gao would walk into one of the beautiful creations from my mind. For the past few weeks almost every waking hour was spent ensuring their new home would satisfy their dreams, and my goal for perfection wouldn't let up till very corner was just the way they wanted it—gorgeous, and functional; like a fresh oasis in a foreign land with the proper Feng Shui Mrs. Gao emphasized at the beginning of the project. Everything was finalized last Thursday right on target. There would be no last-minute surprises, all would be perfect. But first, I had to finish eating, wash dishes, hop into the shower, the whole morning routine before making sure everything was well with Clyde for the morning until my return at lunch.

The area I lived in at 7:35 a.m. on a spring morning, was already awake with the working class hurrying off to their respective jobs and students getting ready. A hurried greeting or wave was usually all we'd manage before backing out the driveway and zooming down the street. It was nice though, going to work so early, as I did every day; driving with the window down as music played from the speakers until I reached the office building.

I eased my vehicle into its usual spot and stepped out. Annie Stephen's car was parked nearby, and the only explanation I could conjure up for the early arrival was her anxiety. My assistant designer always worried the day of the reveal without fail. Of course, this was only her tenth project working with me, so I could understand Annie's plight. Luckily for her, I had brought a large flask of chamomile tea to the office.

As soon as I walked through the office door, Annie turned from the window and greeted me with, "How are you always this early every morning?"

I smiled and held the flask out to her, "Some of this is for you."

Trial of the SensesOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora