Where can I see you?

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As he rubbed his sore temples, Sasuke caught a small glint out of the corner of his eye. On the large desk, rested a beautiful necklace. On it, were two silver beads hanging on a black chain, and in between the two beads was a long turquoise gem.

And in the reflection of the gem, Sasuke saw the exact same man that had been haunting his dreams for the past three years.


In two long strides, Sasuke had stormed over to the desk at the front of the room and harshly planted his hands on the surface, not once taking his eyes off of the blue necklace.

"Um, Sasuke-san, is everything alright? Please be careful around the items. They may be in decent condition but they are still quite fragile. I thought you were going to collapse for a second."

Sasuke whipped his head around to Naruto, who was tentatively holding his hands in front of him, with a very worried expression on his face. The cold, piercing look in Sasuke's eyes made him flinch back without even realizing, and before he could react, Sasuke had roughly grabbed onto his shoulders, causing him to wince from the suddenness, and shoved his face forward until they were only six inches apart (because Sasuke was taller than Naruto, he had to look down to keep the eye contact, which in turn made Naruto even more frightened).

"Do you know what that thing is?! Where did you find it?!"

The edge and volume of his voice made Naruto shiver. The Sasuke in front of him at that moment was not the Sasuke he was walking with just five minutes ago. His eyes showed no emotion except hostility and coldness. As he looked deeper, he saw a flash of another emotion. Was it loss? He couldn't exactly tell because it was gone the next moment.

As if on cue, Orochimaru unceremoniously swung the door open, causing a storm of dust to swirl into the air. He looked winded, as if he had just run/slithered (we don't discriminate) all the way back from the excavation site. Upon seeing the two, he promptly stormed to Sasuke and swiftly pried him off the blond, and stood in between the two, blocking him off from Naruto, as if he were afraid he would attack him again.

"Sasuke-kun, you can't just attack him like that! He can't answer all of your questions! Look at him, you've completely unnerved him."

He gestured back to Naruto, who was still staring at Sasuke, completely dumbfounded.

"Don't do that anymore, not everybody understands your circumstance."

The pain in his eyes slowly faded to the usual emotionless black. For a moment, he looked completely taken aback, before he came to his senses, almost looking a little dejected.

"Ah, sorry about that."

And with that, he pushed past the two of them and tramped out to Kaguya knows where.

Naruto, who was still distressed over his little episode, didn't have time to react until he had completely vanished. He didn't have time to be disappointed about the raven's disappearance however, when Orochimaru turned back to face him, looking extremely exhausted and worn out, as he rubbed his hand against his face, a crude smile barely visible in between his pasty fingers.

"Maa, that Sasuke-kun, always causes me trouble. Apologies naruto-kun, I probably should have warned you about why Sasuke came with me in the first place."


Sasuke's POV

Almost exactly three years ago, I have been burdened with mysterious dreams that don't belong to me, yet are connected with me in every possible way. After talking to Karin about it, we came to the conclusion that these are memories from a previous life. I had been having very vague visions ever since I was a kid, very sporadic little bits here and there, and I couldn't figure out any more than that handful of dreams. I thought nothing of them. Maybe I was going a little nuts from work or something, but nothing else.

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