I miss you

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Instead of feeling remorse, Sasuke started to laugh. Not his usual halfhearted dry chuckle, but a full laugh. As much as Naruto wanted to laugh alongside him, he was still pretty pissed off from the stunt he pulled.

"Hmph. Nice to see my distress brings you joy, teme."


The two of them continued to swim around and collect crystals all throughout the day. Lunch had passed by, and when they finally crawled out of the cave, the sun was already starting to set.

Sasuke had forgotten all about the necklace.


Peace had finally been brought to the five nations. The distant sound of cheering could be heard as the dirtied blade of a sword cut through the final enemy. Chaos roamed the streets as citizens of all ages celebrated their newfound victory. Celebrations went on for days. Parties and ceremonies held every night, as the people of the village relished in their win. No more bloodshed, no more sacrifice, no more tears. It was over, they were free, and the people could be happy at last.

Except for three.

In the dark basement under the Hokage tower, one boy sat chained against the damp brick wall, alone in the darkness.

Above, you could hear the shouts of another, as they fought their argument for freedom for the chained boy.

The last, an exasperated leader with a splitting headache, as she tried to shush the piercing wails of the boy in front of her.

"Why is the verdict black? Together we fought in the war to defeat the enemy! He proved his loyalty at the end, and can prove to be a great asset to protect our village, so why? Being chained for life is the same as being dead!"

The leader rubbed her temples in a brash manner, desperate to get rid of her migraine.

"It's exactly why Sasuke is so strong that the elders want him locked away! Look, [Naruto], it wasn't my decision, to begin with, the elders and clan leaders wanted it, and when they vote unanimously, even my vote doesn't count. Just be grateful he's not dead."

With a huff, the infuriated boy stormed out of the office, and tramped down the stairs into the cold lower levels, slamming the door so hard the hinges broke off.


The weakened boy looked up as the other delicately hugged his frail body.

"Why do you always go so far to do things for me? I'm nothing but trouble, and better left dead. Everybody thinks so. So why do you go so far for my sake, [Naruto]?"

Hearing his sorrowful words, the boy began to cry. The war was over, he was supposed to be happy. But something about this one boy could change him so much, and he didn't know why.

"I told you before, Sasuke. You're my best friend. I promised to bring you back to the village, and after three whole years of blood, sweat, and tears, I finally have you again. I'm not letting anybody take you from me unless they kill me first."

Sasuke could feel his own tears wash down his grimy face. He could feel his eyelids start to close, as his mind started to fall asleep.

"But you have so much to live for, why would you throw it all away, just for me?"

As Sasuke drifted off into his dreams, he heard the soft whisper of a voice as his head hit the soft padding of the boy's warm embrace.

"[Because I love you]."

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