I will meet you again

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Naruto gave him a soft smile. It wasn't as big as the ones before, but this one seemed even more sincere.

"I think we've seen enough for today. You look quite exhausted. Would you like to go back and display these on the shelf with me?"


As Sasuke looked at the blonde, he couldn't help but notice,

"Sure," he said with the same soft smile.

Naruto's eyes were the exact same turquoise color as the necklace.


As the sun rose higher in the sky, to make way for a new day at the site, Sasuke found himself walking back towards the lake with Naruto. Well, he was being dragged more than lead, since Naruto grabbed his hand without really giving him much of a choice, without any prior warning. The edge of the lake was at the end of the site, where Orochimaru was working, so they had been walking for quite a while when Sasuke finally decided to say something to the over-excited teen.

"So, mind telling me where exactly we're heading towards, or are we just walking in circles?"

Naruto halted so abruptly Sasuke almost ran right into his back, and stood frozen for a good seven seconds before he facepalmed.

"Gah, that's right! I never told you where we were going huh? Well, we're almost there, so it doesn't really matter if I told you now anyways. Come on!"

Sasuke rolled his eyes as Naruto tugged his hand and they continued their journey, at a much quicker pace than before. After their conversation the night before, both seemed to be in a better mood, Sasuke especially, so he let Naruto's evasiveness slide.

The good news was, Naruto was not lying, and in a few minutes, they had reached their destination. A few feet from the edge of the lake stood a dense line of trees, and hidden behind their trunks was a small cliff that served as a barrier to the edge of the site. On the face of the cliff was a cave, its mouth no more than five feet tall.

"Here we are!"

Naruto stopped walking, and turned back to face Sasuke, his toothy grin sparkling in the sun. He lifted his hand to point at the cave.

"What I want to show you is inside the cave. Follow me!"

Hn. You say that as if I haven't been doing it for the past thirty minutes.

Once at the front, Naruto turned back to face Sasuke once more.

"Be careful when walking in here. The rocks are steep and slippery, and it's quite dark, so I won't be able to catch you if you fall."

Naruto was cut off when Sasuke brushed past him and began to walk into the cave, maneuvering through the rocks with ease. He turned back to the stunned teen with his signature smug grin.

"What was that, dobe (Ba-dump)? It seems the only one here clumsy enough to fall would be you."

"Wha-at? Why y-you t-teme!"




Naruto was extremely flustered and at a loss for what to say. Something about his embarrassed face gave Sasuke a big amount of satisfaction and enjoyment, and he couldn't for the life of him figure out why.

Naruto quickly regained his composure, not before muttering a few curses towards his guest under his breath, and followed after Sasuke, albeit much slower.

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