The Rebels pt.2

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I went through the portal and ran back home. But the village was burned down. I went run to a man who was almost near death. He told me that the Reaguls had attacked that night. I was furious my own village was burned to the ground. I went to my house and it was burned too. I was about to go to the castle when Kageyama showed up.
"What do you want?"
"Why did you leave school?"
"It's none of your business."
"Hinata what's wrong...and what happened here?"
"The Reaguls need to leave."
"Why I don't understand Hinata?"
"Because I don't want you to get hurt."
"I don't care if I will. Hinata you said I was your only friend. I won't give up so easily."
"What about your other friend? She sure likes you."
"What are you talking about?"
"She's the reason I was sick. She told me that you were hers. I was scared and when that happens I get sick."
Kageyama saw how red Hinata's eyes were. The people who were still alive saw and started to gather with torches and pitchforks. Planning on killing Hinata. Kageyama went in front of him telling people not to kill him. him. The didn't listen and only came closer. Then kageyama's eyes started to glow a bright blue. Everyone was shocked. They stopped moving. And Hinata saw Kageyama turn around to him and he started to cry. Kageyama grabbed him and brought him back to his house. Where he cuddled next to Hinata and fell asleep.
"Hinata I don't care what you are.....I will still like you.

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