twenty three

126 8 0

Tomorrow was the day I was dreading.

I wasn't sure what to think yet. I didn't even know if I was attending the wedding. I should just put on my big girl panties, suck it up, and go. I said I'd be a friend to him, and friends go to their friend's wedding. If he's happy, then I need to be happy for him. Put my feelings aside and be supportive.

Easier said than done. You love the guy, and that's worse than just liking him.

The little voice inside my head was right. Loving someone was harder than just liking someone. You couldn't put those feelings off to the side and still be okay attending their wedding.

Sighing, I got back to work. Today was an easy day at the office. I only had to worry about calls and changing Mr. Mehta's schedule around since he wasn't here. I was relieved that he wasn't here, but at the same time, I was sad. These last two weeks, Gaurav was all smiles. Every time I was around him, there was a smile on his face.

After the office, I had enough time to go home, change my clothes, and make it to Blue Mug's to work a night shift. I was doing everything I could to keep myself busy and not think about tomorrow. I had until 1:30 tomorrow to decide if I was going or not.

When I arrived at the coffee shop, there was a bouquet of flowers by the register along with a note. It was addressed to my fall haired beauty.

I learned my lesson the last time and decided to wait to open it, no matter how bad I wanted to.

The night was slow, but I didn't mind it at all. It allowed me to talk to some of the older people there. I haven't been able to do this in a long time, and I missed it.

Five hours later, I was now sitting on my couch, reading this letter.

My fall haired beauty,

I know tomorrow will be a struggle for you, but I promise everything will be okay. If you show up, you'll know, but if not, I'll come find you. There are things I want to tell you. Instead of telling you in this letter, I want to tell you face to face. If you do come, please wear the dress I bought you.

Just know, this is not a goodbye. You're not getting rid of me anytime soon.

Until we meet in person,




Today was the wedding, and I was still in my pajamas. I hadn't made my mind up if I was attending. I locked myself in my room because I knew for a fact, Manit will come in here and make me go.

On one hand, I want to attend this wedding, but on the other hand, I don't.

Do I need to take a gift? It would probably get thrown away, besides, I can't afford anything fancy nor name brand. Ugh, this was so confusing. I'm not even sure why he wants me to attend anyways.

Suddenly there was a knock on my door.

"Girl, it is now 11:30, and you need to get ready. If you are not ready by noon, I will bust this door down."

"I'm not going, Manit. I don't think I can."

"You can and you will Naina. Show them this doesn't bother you."

Maybe Manit was right, I need to show them that their wedding doesn't affect me.

"Fine, I'll be done in an hour."

"I knew you would agree."

Reluctantly, I got up and started getting myself ready for this torture. Slipping the dress on, that Gaurav had bought me, made me feel beautiful. It hugged me in all the right places.

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