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Mystery Mans P.O.V

I was glad when the interviews were over. There were three candidates the HR were going to choose from, and one of those was Naina. All the other interviewees weren't very promising, and a few weren't even there to get a job. They were more likely there for me, and that was disturbing.

At my company, we give people who don't have experience for certain spots a chance as long as they can pass the interview. That's why I'm positive Naina has a chance to get the position. It'll be a big distraction to see her sitting outside my office every day, but I can still see her on the weekends at the coffee shop. I probably resemble some love-sick teenager when I don't get to see her. There's something about her that draws me to her, and I'm sure it's her lively personality. I like seeing her every day, but then I remember I still have an unwanted girlfriend that I didn't want in the first place.

The board of HR should know who they want to hire by the end of Thursday, and I'll know first thing Friday who they call.

Today, I decided to have my lunch at Blue Mug, even though I knew she wouldn't be there, but I was curious to see if she received my letter.

Arriving at the shop, I glanced at the spot where we exchange our letters and surprisingly there was one waiting for me. Waiting to open it after I ordered my food, I didn't waste any time. I wasn't expecting her forgiveness anytime soon, but her reply was a start, I guess.

Mind games, she thought I was playing mind games with her. Well, I can't blame her because it did seem as if I was, but that wasn't my intention. We can agree on one thing, I was an asshole to her. She didn't deserve the letter I wrote to her that day. Even though she didn't forgive me just yet I still smiled at the fact she replied and told me how she felt, I was positive there was more to it.

Finishing my lunch, I headed back to work, which was able to keep me busy for the rest of the day.

Naina's P.O.V

This week flew by pretty fast, and I still hadn't heard back from Mehta Diamonds. I was starting to think that maybe I didn't get the job and it just wasn't meant to be. I'll just need to continue my job search elsewhere or find a second small job like the coffee shop. I think a store at the mall needed a part-time worker.

When it was time for me to clock out, Mr. Mehta was standing by the register.

"Miss. Joshi."

"Hi, Mr. Mehta. How may I help you?"

"I just wanted to congratulate you in person on getting the job. HR will send you an email on everything you need to know for your first day on Monday. I will see you then Miss. Joshi."

Oh my god, I can't believe it, I got the job. Without thinking, I hugged him. I hugged Gaurav Mehta. When his posture stiffened a little, I let go of him, immediately realizing my mistake. Quickly apologizing to him, I checked to see if there was a letter left by the register. Finding what I was looking for, I proceeded on leaving the coffee shop with the biggest smile on my face.

Now I was going to need to go shopping for proper attire to wear for Monday sometime this weekend. Good thing I still had my leftover spending money to add up.

When I arrived home, I opened up the letter and read it.

Red Haired Beauty,

Word around the office is you are the new secretary for the big boss. I wish you all the luck with your journey at Mehta Diamonds. I assure you that you'll like it here. I'm excited to see you around the office now. Wow, I really do sound like a creep. Okay, scratch what I just said, it sounds horrible. Just, please don't think I'm some stalker who's obsessed with you.

I'll just leave it at that before I dig myself further into a hole with your opinion on me.

Yours Truly,

Prince Charming

This letter not only made me smile, but it made me laugh. I was laughing so hard there were tears in my eyes. I mean at least he knows he sounds like a creep. I'm flattered by everything he's been doing. Sending me these letters, the flowers, and all the birthday gifts.

Then again, I don't know who he is, which should raise a red flag to me. On top of things, he's an asshole who seems to play with girl's feelings. Deciding not to respond to this letter, I went on with the rest of the day relaxing while watching T.V. and eating a bunch of food. After a few hours, I called it a night and headed to bed. That night I dreamt about who this man is or rather who I'd like him to be.


Seeing as today was Sunday, I needed to go to the mall for new work clothes. My goal was to get five pantsuits to start with and then when I get my first check, get me five more. I would love to get all ten outfits with this shopping trip, but my bank account will only allow me so much. Today was also my off day making it my last day off for a while. I already had talked to Shweta about only working weekends and then Monday through Friday I'll work at the office.

I needed today to be productive with buying clothes, groceries, and reading back through the email I was sent on tomorrow.

I hope working for Mr. Mehta is easy and that he's not an arrogant asshole that's rude to his employees. I've heard people say he's nice and easy to work with, but those are his employees they are obligated to say good things about him. I would hate to be on the receiving end if I was caught talking bad about my boss. I'm sure whoever has gotten caught talking bad, was fired right away.

To say I wasn't nervous was an understatement, but at the same time, I was excited about this new chapter in my life. This would be a big change from what I was used to from my day to day life. I wouldn't get to see Manit as much except for when we have dinner together.

By the time I was done with my errands, it was already 5 o'clock. I was ready to sit down and relax and look over the email Mehta Diamonds sent me. After putting everything away where it's supposed to go, I changed into something more comfortable. Grabbing my laptop from my room, I sat on the couch and checked my email. It was the first one in my inbox.

The email informed me that I was to arrive at 8 o'clock and no later, I would get an hour break either at noon or at 1 o'clock depending on how busy I was. The email also stated where I needed to head to in order to get my ID badge that allows me to have access into the building. I am to be trained by Mr. Mehta's assistant on how everything needed to be done. What the email stated seemed pretty simple, but tomorrow will be the true test of whether or not I can handle the job.

Letters From A StrangerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang