Chapter 2

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Blake Pov.

Me and my team were looking at (Y/N) and Dana after they explain how we meet them from the portal we fell from and this place looks good for now but I'm not sure if we ever get back home, I heard something growling. I though it was a dog but then I saw (Y/N) looking embarrass as he scratch his head then I heard Ruby's stomach growling and she did the same.

(Y/N):I hope you four don't mind but would you like something to eat.

Weiss:As a matter of fact we-

Ruby:WE DO(cough) I mean yes we would like something to eat.

Dana:Ok now please wait here while me and my cousin make something for dinner.

We see both of them go in the kitchen to make something to eat, we didn't know what to do so we sat on the couch and waited for them to cook, I heard pots and pans clanking together. Silent was the only thing my teammates heard in the living room, we waited for a couple of minutes as my teammates were waiting to eat with Ruby looking around the living room, Weiss sitting there patiently and Yang was watching the tv showing someone running through some sort of giant maze being chase by a monster. I didn't know what to do then my cat ears twitch a bit as I heard (Y/N) and Dana talking to each other in the kitchen.

Dana:Honestly I never expected the day to be like this.

(Y/N):Me nether I mean this is amazing, four beautiful girls from the RWBY show are in our living room.

Dana:There has to be a logical answer to this I mean maybe their cosplayers pretending to be them, it's not scientifically possible for fictional characters to be real.

(Y/N):Doubt it, they look way to much like the real deal. Even the weapons look so real and the scythe actually smell like real metal and I could have swear it had a smoky smell like gunpowder coming off it.

Dana:You watch too much movies and videos about how a character actually pop out like that old school horror movie you watch the ring, look if they are the real deal then I want to see if they actually have a power or something like that then it would be enough proof for me to believe about them being real.

(Y/N):Its called a semblance and yeah it would actually be cool.

Dana:Fine, then I bet 100 bucks and bragging rights for a day if they aren't really the characters.

(Y/N):Deal and if I win then I get the 100 bucks and you'll have to wear a shirt that said I was wrong. But I know they are really the characters from the show.

I want to know more about this show about us so I look at Ruby who was looking at a picture frame of a Rose.

Blake:Hey Ruby*looks at her* I think they have cookies and their eating them right now.


I see her running in the kitchen leaving roses on the floor then I heard a thud.

(Y/N):Holy shit that's cool, and you made Dana pass out. That means I won the bet so good job Ruby and you earn a cookie.


(Y/N):Now I'm going to triple your reward if you help me carry her to the couch.


I see them dragging Dana to the couch making Weiss and Yang look at them in confusion.

Yang:Umm should we be concern about this.

(Y/N):You don't have to worry, she's fine. She just pass out from being surprise.

I walk up to him and I glared at him, he turn around and his eyes meet mine as I stare in his soul.

A World Unlike Ours (Male Reader x RWBY harem)Where stories live. Discover now