Chapter 6

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So the horcruxes that were made in by this time are the diary, the necklace, the cup the ring and the diadem, Nagini became a horcrux after Voldemort returned, and Harry when he tried to kill him, so in this book they are not made yet.

New Years Eve passed, and so did January, Dumbledore was still looking for other horcruxes. Now, he had some assumptions about the places he hid them, but nothing was sure. He stood in his office looking through memries of people who knew Tom. The next second an owl flew in the window.

Dear Professor Dumbledore,

We need to meet today, it is urgent!


He headed towards the Room of Requirement and knocked on the door. After Lily asking a question only he could answer she let him in. In the living room he saw Remus, James and Sirius sitting on the sofa, on the table thee was a strange medal. James looked up and told him what happened. He said that the old house-elf of the Black house came here and gave them the medal. He told that Regulus Black died to get this and it was very important to destroy it, then he apparated away.

- You should be proud, Sirius, your brother found a horcrux. - Dumbledore said.

- Yeah, another death to defeat him, another betrayer who died because of you. - Sirius said angrily - my brother died because of you, he died because of this medal. And we can't ven open it.

- I'm really sorry that he died, but he saved many lives, and with this medal we can kill Voldemort. - responded the headmaster.

They talked for a few minutes and then Dumbledore headed back to his office and put the medal in the drawer next to the diary. He sat down and started looking through papers of the order, and Snape.

A few weeks later

This day was very hard and dangerous for the headmaster, he had to find the house of the Gomolds and find the traps Voldemort left here. He had to fight many dark creatures that were put here to protect a part of Voldeomrt's soul. He was injured now and tired, but it seemed like he finally found the place where the next Horcrux might be. Weeks of searching and getting memories of long lost people, and even from his own memroies, he learnt many new informations. The day when he wnet to give the letter to Tom, and his days at Hogwarts, it was a long and hard jorney, but now he was close to the goal, another horcrux.

Dumbledore stood in front of a small house, it had been left for a long time, he opened the door and a he stepped inside the house the feeling of black magic hit him. He knew where to search, in the middle of the dining room at a point the magic was the strongest. He used magic and lifted the piece of floor. Under it there was a box, he didn't open it. The way back was even harder, he found a dead body, and recognised it as the uncle of Tom. He was killed so th Dark Lord could make another horcrux, but there was something strange about his body, it was older almost only the bones were left, if he couldn't use magic the headmster wouldn't recognise him.

He learnt a new information, the young student started using the killing curse sooner than they thought, he even thought that he already had horcruxes when he talked to Slughorn.

When he finally arrived back to his castle he let out a sigh and put the box in the drawer where he collected the horcruxes without opening it, he thought he new what was inside and he was scared that ifhe opened the box, he would use it, but on the other hand he was sure that it was cursed.

He thought for a bit and realised that the last horcrux must be the lost diadem of Ravenclaw. There was the cup of Hufflepuff and the medal of Slytherin. The diadem and the sword are left. He took one of his books from the shelves and opened it. A picture of Gryffindore and the sword could be seen on the page. This was a book about Godric Gryffindor and this chapter was about the magical sword of the founder of Gryffindor House in Hogwarts.

The sword imbibes only substances which strengthens it, which can then be used against enemies.

It can't be a horcrux because of this, even if Voldemort could find it he can't use it as a horcrux. In another Paragraph it is told that it appears only to true Gryffindors, another reason why Voldemort can't get it.

- Then are there other horcruxes, or only the diadem and the cup are left? - the headmaster wasn't sure about what he was doing.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I would be very happy if you wrote recommendations about what should I write after Voldemort is killed. I have a few ideas, but I don't think that they would make up more than five chapters.

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