Chapter 7

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Hoqwarts was almost empty, many students left because they were scared. Voldemort got a dead body in the castle, and if he managed to do that he can get one in alive too. The teachers were scared too, but they couldn't show it, they had to be strong for the remaining students in school. Noone was caring about quidditch or group activities, the smaller ones always went in group usually with a prefect with them. Noone dared to go on the corridors without someone with them. After lessons they went back to their common rooms and only came out when it was time for dinner. Week by week the students left, and those who stayed here couldn't concentrate on their studies. It was hard for teachers too. The last thing they wanted was get these students get work done. Many of them became orphans because their parents were killed.

The end of the year was coming but exams were cancelled. Dumbledore knew he had to hurry. He already talked to goblins and they said they don't want to let robbers in, but if the key to defeating Voldemort was in Belatrix Lestrange's safe, than they will help him. The end was near, only one horcrux left to find. The diadem. But it have been lost for so many years that there is noone alive who coud have seen it.

- Sure, a ghost! - Dumbledore exclaimed after this thought came to his mind. - The daughter of Ravenclaw!

With that conclusion he rushed to get the Grey Lady.

- Helena (I think that was her name)  I need your help. - Dumbledore said in a calm and kind voice when he found her.

- I knew you would come, but I don't know where it is. 

- But you know someone who found it. Please help me. I need it to kill him. To destroy Voldemort.

-  It's here. Where things are hidden. If you have to ask you will never know. If you know you need only ask.

- Thank you, with these sentences you gave another chance for the wizarding world. Thank you!

Dumbledore rushed to the room of requirement. And knocked on the door. After the usual questions Lily opned it. You need to get out, I know where the last horcrux is, but I need the Room of Requirement to get it. After everyone got out Dumbledore closed his eyes and the door of the house disappeared, and a new one was formed. The headmaster slowly opened it, he raised his wand and cast lumos. Everone entered, only Mrs. Longbottom stayed on the corridor with Harry and Neville. They started searching for the horcrux.

- We need to find a diadem. Be careful, don't touch it.

Dumbledore felt dark magic around a part of the room, it was dark and even his magic couldn't light it up completly. On one of the shelves he found a box, which seemed to produce the darkness. He opened it carfully and saw the diadem inside it. He closed the boy and picked it up. 

- I found it, get out!

He went towards the door and when he saw everyone was out, he closed, than wished for the secret house of the two families and it reappeared just as they left it. Everyone got back inside and Dumbledore went back to his office.

This was the end, their last chance to save the ones still alive. The Orde rhad several meetings during the next week. They were planning, they knew that if htey destroy multiple horcruxes at the same time Voldemort will sense it and Get to Gringotts, than they can fight him as a mortal. The Potters and the Longbottoms decided to take part in this last fight,  they didn't want to hide, but do something for the Order. Mrs. Lonbottom decided to look after Harry and Neville until they are away.

The terrible day came. The first of June. The goblins did what they promised. They were supposed to protect the bank, but they all wanted the Dark Lord dead. After they led the Order to Bellatrix's safe everyone left the place. Dumbledore got the last Horcrux and gave the other ones to Lily (the diadem), James (the ring), Sirius (the medal) and Remus (the diary). He also gave them Basilisk fangs which he got from Slughorn during last week. He counted back from three and the four of them destroyed the horcruxes at the same time. Dumbledore didn't move as he planned it. He made sure that Voldemort would come here.

The next minute VOldemort arrived with several Death Eaters, but they weren't prepared for Dumbledore and the Order waiting for them. The DeathEaters were outnumbered. Dumbledore looked into Voldemorts eyes.

- This is the end Tom.

With that he destroyed the last horcrux and Voldemort attacked him. Dumbledore was prepared for this and casted protego. The two of them got in a fight, while the other members of the order fought with death eaters. Lily, James, Sirius and Remus back to back, protecting eachother, whoever tried to atteack one another protected him or her. Noone could kill them, because they had eachother. They worked together as they did on their missions, a group that knew the next move of their friend before even he decided about it. Slowly, all the DeathEaters Lay at their legs, dead or unconcious. Dumbledore and Voldemort were still fighting. The Dark wizard tried to apparate when he saw that all his Death Eaters were defeated, but the Headmaster didn't let him. All the members of the order attecked him. Voldemort noticed someone in the group. Someone he thought was on his side.

- Snape, you betrayal. You think the mudblood will love you after this. That she will be thankful?. You fool. - he suddenly turned from Dumbledore to Snape and attacked him. But he was late.

- Stupefy!

The wizard fell, but didn't faint. He turned to Lily.

- You stupid mudblood. You thought you can defeat me this easy. Stupid.

- You know Voldemort, that was a mistake. In your place I yould turn around. 

James stood behind him.

- Never ever try to call my wife a mudblood! - he said angrily - Attack!

Every member of the order attecked at the same time, Voldemort cast a protego, but his shield was too weak to protect him from 40 angry wizards and witches. Soon he was left there without his shield to hide behind and the spells hit him at the same time. None of them was Avada Kedavra, but Stupefy, expelliearmus or Petrificus Totalus and a Sectumsempra from Snape. Voldemort fell down dead. Everyone was shocked, they won. Dumbledore sent a message to the ministry and soon aurors arrived. They took away Voldemorts body and the DeathEaters'.

During the next few days every part of the wizarding world was shocked, then happy. They started meeting agin after a long time filled with fear.

Lily, James, Harry, Sirius and Remus moved to the Potter manor, which was inherited by James. The longbottoms also moved to their homes. They were happy and relieved. They finally won.

So that's it. I still think I will continue the story with a few more chapters, but please leave your suggestions. I hope you enjoyed the chapter! Also I wanted write here that I'm going to take a break from this story and not publish chapters for a few weeks from now on, because of what JKR posted/posts on Twitter and on her platforms.

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