Chapter 5

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1981. December 25.

It was Christmas, the Longbottoms and the Potters still live in the Room of Requirement. Lily wanted to make this day perfect for the two kids, but she didn't know how to do this when they are locked inside a secret room of the castle. She decorated the house, and the presents were already hidden in her wardrobe. Of course, she didn't buy them, it was Aberforth who found everything she needed. The tree already stood in its place, they decorated it together the day before. They made many funny pictures and the adults were very happy that the two little boys enjoyed Christmas this much. After they went to bed all the adults put their presents under the tree and played boardgames.

The two little boys were still sleeping, so Lily, Alice and Mrs. Longbottom could use this time to cook. Half an hour later Harry appeared on the top of the stairs with James behind him. Harry and Neville already walked small distances lone and longers if someone was there holding their hands. James helped his son get down the stairs and when the baby saw the presents his facce lit up. He started running towards them, but Lily caught him.

- Not until Neville, Frank, Padfoot and Moony are here.

Harry turned around and started going towards Neville's room.

- Alice, can he wake them up?- asked Lily

-  It is time for the boys to get out of bed!- she responded.

Harry stopped in front of the door of the bedroom of the longobottoms. He tried to open it, but he was too small, so Lily helped him. Harry Ran into the room and almost fell over, fortunately Lily caught him.

- NEVILLE! SANTA PUT PJESENTS TO THE TJEE! - he started yelling.

- PJESENTS! - the other boy yelled back and tried to climb out of his bed.

Frank was waken up by all the yelling and helped his son. The two boys climbed upstirs with their parents and got and went to Sirius' room. They ran inside and climbed up the bed and sterted jumping around him.


- PADFOO, WAKE UP!!! - Harry yelled, annoyed that his godfather was still sleeping. 

Sirius turned to his other side and caught Harry , who started laughing.

- Then get those presents!

- Moony is not awake yet, we have to get him wake up first. - James said

All of them went to Remus' room, and the two boys started yelling. The wizard woke up and smiled at them, they all headed downstairs. Harry and Neville immediately attacked the tree. Their parents helped them to get out their presents from there. Harry got a mini quidditch ball set for his broom he got from Sirius for his birthday. Neville got some plants, because he was obsessed with her mother's flowers and always wanted tio help her in the garden, even if he is too small for it. Now he had his own plants to care about, and he was very happy about it. Lily got a necklace from James with a small heart on it, and he got a broom cleaning kit (the same one Hermione gave Harry in book three). Remus, Lily and James gave Sirius a photo album with all of their pictures from school, to remind him they were his family. The three of them, and Frank and Alice bought Remus books about defense againts th dark arts, because they knew he wanted to become a professor. Alice got some books too, and the just published book of her favourite author, plus tea from Madame Pudifoot's shop in Hogsmead. Frank got some rare ingredients for special potions he wanted to try and make. They also bought some kitchen stuff for Aberforth to thank him his help.

They ate breakfast and played boardgames, and also tried Harry's quidditch set. Neville wsn't really interested in it, he asked her mother to read from the book he got next to his plants, so he can learn about them. He was really interested in it and they watered his plants together. During this Harry, Sirius and James were flying around the house trying to catch the snitch. Of course Lily made sure to put a charm on Harry's broom, so he can't fall off. 

The rest of the day was spent similarly, they played games and enjoyedtheir times. Liy was very happy that the kids enjoyed this day despite the fact that they were locked in.

During this the castle was almost empty, nly a few student stayed here for the holidays. The Christmas dinner was spent in a cozy way, the students sat together, noone was alone at the desk of their house, even Slytherins and Gryffindors talked together, putting away their arguements for this day. Suddenly the door of the Great Hall opened and a body floated in, soaked in blood. The students started screaming, than the voice of Voldemort could be heard.

- Dumbledore, Pettigrew died because of you, you found out his betrayal and saved the Potters, he died because of you ceossing my path. And now all your students see the failure of the greatest wizard they know, but they are wrongcauswe from now on I'm the one they shoul honour, the greatest wizard who conquered death.

The students started running out of the rooms, the teachers tried to calm them down, ut in the matter of seconds the Great Hall was empty, only McGonagall and Dumbledore stood there.

- What should we do Albus? All the students will leave the school! - McGonagall was worried.

- First we should dinform the Potters. Their friend was killed by Voldemort.

There was a knock on the door and Lily ran to open it.

- Who is there?

- The teacher who spent 796 hours of detention with James Potter.

Lily smiled to herself and opened the door.

- Merry Christmas Professor! We are happy that you could come!- greeted her Lily.

- I would be happy if the information I brought you would make this day happier. I think it would be better to tell it inside.

They all sat in the living room, Harry and Neville playing under the tre. They didn't understand why their parents were this quiet. McGonagall just told them about the death of Peter.

- It's strange, I'm not relieved that the betrayer died, but sad, he was a friend for seven years. -James siad, his voice strange from the shock.

- Yeah, he made the wrong decisions, but we spent seven amazing years together. - Sirius responded the same way.

- That's because you are good friends, and never thought about betraying someone you cared about. - McGonagall said.

Finally a longer chapter. I hope you enjoyed reading it! 

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