Chapter 3: Lesser Embarrassment

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As more and more of Dream's figure was revealed as he descended the stairs, the room somehow got quieter and quieter. The only sounds to be heard were the clicking of Dream's heeled boots on the stone steps. The tension in the room was thick, permeating the group like a cloud of smog and layered like a blanket. When Dream finally came to the bottom of the stairs and met the eyelights that were on him, his first instinct was to dash back up to Lucinda. Despite the fact that he had no idea what he was doing, and felt incredibly awkward and on edge in the same room as the maniacs that were the Imperial knights, Dream put on a neutral face. Thank the stars none of them are empaths...

The knights were similarly dumbfounded. How are you supposed to start a civil conversation with someone when less than twenty-four hours ago you were trying to kill them? Luckily--or perhaps unluckily--Killer had an idea.

The dark-eyed skeleton approached the stairs and took Dream's hand. After pressing the guardian's knuckles lightly to his teeth, he winked at the flushed skeleton. "You look much better than last I saw you, Little Light. I assume you are feeling well enough to tour the manor?" Dream stuttered and blushed from both the action and the words, but did not get to answer before Cross knocked Killer upside the head.

"He should be saying that to you, considering you were out cold when he went down," Cross commented flatly while looking apologetically at Dream.

The tension broken, Dream tried his best to compose himself, only to have his composure knocked down by another statement from one of the knights.

"He is right, though," Horror added as he approached with his axe slung over his shoulder. "Are you feeling well enough to do the tour? Your spine was in little pieces just last night."

Dream's face paled, is that why I couldn't feel my legs? He shook the thought out of his skull, deeming it unhelpful at the current moment. "I'm feeling okay. A little shakey and tired, but okay," Dream assured. He turned to Dust, who had silently walked up to the group along with Horror. "Are you alright? I know how hard Blue can hit with his war hammer."

Dust muttered under his breath, but before he could answer, Killer slung his arm around his shoulders. "He's fine, just a little salty that he got beaten by a regular swap."

In response, the hooded skeleton jabbed Killer in his ribs with his elbow. "Just remind me never to call him short again and I'll be fine," he murmured.

Killer rubbed his ribs while glaring knives at Dust. "As great as your 'concern' is--" Killer used air-quotes with his free hand--"I was talking about the outfit, idiots."

Dream flushed when three pairs of eyelights scanned his figure, suddenly very aware of the sheer nature of the sleeves and general femininity of the outfit. Dream moved his gaze to the side and shifted his weight from foot to foot unconsciously. He didn't enjoy the feeling of being scrutinized like this, and he silently cursed himself for letting Lucinda convince him this was a good outfit to go out in.

Cross was the first to speak up. "Even though your clothes should not be what is focused on--" he sent a quick glare to Killer-- "I will agree that they suit you."

"You look nice," Horror added.

"Very royal," Dust finished.

Even though Dream thought it impossible blush any stronger than he already was, his face flushed an even brighter shade of yellow: so much it that it seemed like he was actually glowing.

Killer took notice with a snicker. "Maybe I should call you Sunny instead, because you're certainly lighting up my world."

A groan went up among the other knights, and Horror flicked Killer's skull. "Very sunny. Now come on or Nightmare will be sun to pleased that we stood around all day." The axe-wielding skeleton moved towards the exit of the room.

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