VII. When I cross the River

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When I cross the River,
Y'all should celebrate with great cheer
Because I'll cross the line like a winner.
None should shriek please
I might probably need my eardrums please.

When I'll cross the River,
Tell mum that I love her so, so much.
Tell dad that I'd have love to make him proud.
Tell my siblings that I'd be there, always.
Tell my dudes that I'll protect them.
Tell mi corazon that I'm sorry for breaking and hurting him.
Tell them that like an angel, I'd watch over them.

Celebrate my crossing the River,
I'll cross like a winner.
I don't want to feel sad please
No one should mewl please.

When I'll cross the River,
All should smile, none should quiver.
When I cross the River,
I don't want no blubbering, you might get a fever
When I cross the River,
Even without me, y'all should be happy, forever.

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