VIII. Drop the race and Colour stuff

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Drop the race and colour stuff

Brenda is ma name
Black is ma skin colour
Beautiful is ma soul
Above all I'm a human being
And I don't hate no white being.
And I wish we could forget about the colours.

Well, I bet you know black is beautiful
And white is wonderful.
If you think Black is Bad
Then, I'll tell you white is Worst.

Let's stop the hating
And start living together
And loving each other.
If you just can't start loving.
Then start Respecting
And stop the damn fighting.

My name is Brenda
And yes I'm black
But you could love me back.
If you just can't love me
Then just respect me.
At least I'm a human being
And I don't hate no White being.

Tomlen Brenda


Let's all fight against the second virus

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