1|Garu's Return|

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Just wanna say there may be some cuss words here, if you don't like cussing, I suggest you to leave in order to not trigger you. But if you suggest, oh well.. Don't tell me I didn't warned

Pucca POV

I woke up as my Uncle knocked on the door. " Pucca, Wake up your late for work, and the restaurant seems to be attracting a lot more hungry customers." My uncle yelled from the door. I slowly lift my upper body in a seating position. "Pucca-" before he finished his sentence, I already opened the door.

"Sorry for disturbing your beauty sleep Pucca but, We need your help, The restaurant is packed up." I nod my head and smile before closing my bedroom door for me to change. After I changed unto my regular clothes, I quickly went downstairs to take the customers orders.

Garu POV

I stood by the entrance of Sooga Village, This place hasn't change one bit, Gosh.. I miss this place. I walked in and the first thing I smelled was the delicious aroma of noodles from Gohrong restaurant. I'm kind of hungry... I guess I'll eat, I miss the taste of their noodles.

"Sorry Pucca, I haven't seen Garu." I've been hiding from Pucca the entire day trying to avoid her kisses. Pucca sighed "I guess his hiding from you again huh?" Pucca nod her head as she bit her lip trying to fight her tears from coming out , Ching noticed this " Come on Pucca I'll help you find him." Ching held out her hand waiting for Pucca to hold, She smiled as the two girls begin to look for me, I can't see them anymore , I jumped from the bush I was hiding " Hey Garu!" Abyo called "Hiding from Pucca?" I nod "You know you're hurting her feelings,She might fall out of love" He said crossing his arms I rolled my eyes I don't care if she fell out of love, at least no more hugs and kisses, that shit gross.

I entered the restaurant and looked at the menu, A few minutes later I felt a presence beside me,I looked up to see Pucca.

Pucca POV

I saw another customer entered the restaurant, he seems.. Familliar? I took a small paper and a pen to take his order and walked up to him, he raised his head...Garu?

We stared at each other for a good five seconds, remembering I have to take customers orders I smiled and pointed at my small paper, He pointed to what he wanted to order as I wrote it down before bowing and began walking to the kitchen.

Garu POV

I watched as she went inside the kitchen. She smiled at me. That smile that I haven't seen for years, She seems so calm seeing me she didn't even hug or kiss me, I wonder where's Abyo and Ching are.

Abyo POV

I sat down, trying to control my breathing, Gosh, I'm so tired.. I've been training my ass for 5 hours.. Ching went to buy snacks and drinks for the both of us. I close my eyes as I lay down.. How do I-

Suddenly the door swung opened revealing my girlfriend, Ching. I slowly stood up, I frowned as I was expecting snacks and drinks from hand.

"Abyo, Garu's back." She said breathlessly I was shock to hear the news.. "I was heading to the store to buy food, When I saw him walking to Gohrong Restaurant." She added, "Then let's meet him there!" I ran, Ching following me from behind. " Do you think he still remembers us?" She asked me "Pff. Of course babe, We're his friends I know he won't forget us Ha! I bet he missed our asses"

Pucca sighed, Her and Ching has been trying to find Garu for the past 3 hours, Yet they haven't seen him. She fought her tears yet failed. "Oh Pucca, Don't worry will find him eventually, Let's call Abyo to help us find him or even better they might be sparring together."She sobbed and ran, Her heart ache she can't take this harsh hide and seek anymore. This has been going on for a few days, sure she saw him a couple of times but ended up running away from and and losing him.


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