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Third Person POV

"Mommy!!"The little one said crying while trying to get her doll

"I told you to stop getting your little sister's toys,Gab"

The little boy whined "Well is it my fault she's such a crybaby?" Gab said while Imitating his little sister's cries "Well she wouldn't be crying right now if you didn't took her doll away, now give it back."The little boy threw the doll at her sister "I said give it not throw it at her, now say sorry"

"Sorry" the little boy looked down, the little sister give her big brother a BIG hug "It's okay!" She said giving her brother a kiss on the cheek.


The door swung open revealing Garu

"Daddy your back!"The little girl yelled excitedly seeing her father and ran to him hugging his leg. "How's work dad? Tired?"Gab asked giving his dad a fist bump

"Kinda tired, Where's your mother?"he asked looking around trying to find Pucca, "Mommy is in the kitchen making us noodles and pasta and chicken!"The little girl said, jumping up and down excitedly

"Hey love, how's work?"Pucca asked, wiping her hands before walking up to Garu giving him a peck on the lips
"Same as always,Oh!Abyo and Ching are coming to visit us today."

"Oh, perfect! I made noodles, Pasta and chicken."

"Wait they're coming?Shoot I need to get ready!" Gab ran towards his room. "Is he okay love?"Garu asked

"Carla"Pucca replied

"Oh I see,Looks like my son has finally becoming a man"He said flicking his hair "Stop that Garu and help me prepare the table" Pucca demanded as she walked towards the kitchen, Garu followed her from behind


The knocking from the door was heard, "They're here!"Gab said running to the door, As he opened the door, he was greeted with a hug by Ching and Abyo's oldest child, Carla

"I miss you so much Gab!"Carla said as she hugged Gab tightly "Yup-I.. Miss you too.. "

"Carla, stop hugging Gab your killing him" Ching said warning her daughter "Oops" she then let go of Gab "Sorry, I guess I miss you too much"She apologies "It's okay! I would've done the same thing to you to be honest"

"How does he look like Garu when his clearly the opposite of him-Ow"

"He does look like Garu, but he has the personality like Pucca. Sweet, Kind and Lovable"

Abyo then nodded,"Hey Abyo my man!"Garu then high five Abyo as a greet, just then The little sister of Gab came running towards the adults "Hi aunt and uncle, where's Raf?"

Raf, the youngest child of Ching and Abyo (obviously) his the same age as Faith (daughter of Pucca and Garu) but Raf was born a few months before Faith :)

"Oh his behind me acting all shy, he said your too pretty"
Faith blushed and looked behind Ching's legs trying to see Raf, soon enough she saw him and pulled him inside towards her playroom "let's play!"

"We decided to visit here because we actually have a surprise!"Ching said with excite in her voice " Wait, WE?" Abyo asked, confused by the word WE.. Ching. Didn't tell him about any surprises "Well it is also a surprise for you dear" She said giving him a peck on the cheek

"Well come in, I made Pasta and Noodles"Pucca said as she let them in.

A few minutes later they we're done eating, the kids went and play while the adults talk and jokes around

"So what was your surprise Ching?" Pucca asked Ching, as she remembered about the surprise "Oh yes, Nearly forgot about that,Well I also do need the kids to hear this" Abyo called the 4 cute little childrens.

"Hey kids! Come here Ching have something to tell us!"

"Okay!" Said the 4 cuties

"Well I just wanted to tell you that- I'm pregnant!" Ching said while she smiled from ear to ear, Carla gasped "Mommy's pregnant?! Yay, I'm gonna be a bigger bigger sister now!" As everyone was Jumping, screaming, Celebrating, most importantly happy, but sadly the family have to leave

"We had fun today"Abyo said smiling "We hope you guys will visit again, or we'll visit you guys"

"Indeed, have a Good night"

As the they closed the door Gab requested something unexpectedly "Mommy I also want a new little sibling." Garu and Pucca's eyes widen "But honey it's a lot of-"

"I say we will definitely give you another sibling" Garu said while snaking his hands through Pucca's tiny waist "Sweet! Thanks mom, Thanks dad, Good night!" Gab hugged Pucca and Garu then went to his room dragging Faith with him, to put her in bed. (What a sweet brother)

"Hm.. Looks like we'll do some action right now my dear" The horny garu whispered in her ear as he kissed her neck


"Shhhh" Garu put his index finger on her mouth shushing her "Less talking more action" He kissed her Passionately yet Hungrily

~~~~The End~~~~

Oh lala hello! Thank you again for reading this fanfiction about Garu and Pucca, I hope you a great day or night hehe..

Anyway thank you❤


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