Chapter 3

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My eyes open, and I sit up with a start. I don't remember falling asleep. I suppose that I did, late into the night. I remember the coughs and hacks of the other sick people. I know that quite a few died last night, too. I could hear Hershel wheeling them out. I considered helping him several times, but I was simply too tired.

I wipe the sweat on her face off, and stroke her cheek. I don't want her to die, but in this world, we don't exactly have hospitals to take the sick to. Hershel is the best that we have.

In another cell a little ways down, Hershel, Sasha and Glenn work desperately to save someone's life. It goes quiet, and I expect that the person either died or passed out.

I hear Hershel and Glenn go on their rounds to help people. They wheel someone out, and I know that this virus has taken another life. The day passes quickly, and I scare myself by coughing. I freeze, terrified. I don't know if I have it or not. I guess that time will tell.


That night, someone dies again. People peer over the railing. Everyone has come out to watch. It doesn't faze the Woodbury people anymore, seeing people die. "Get back in your cells," Hershel orders. No one obeys. Of course not. I mean, they are all trapped in here, and they all know that they are most likely going to die. A few people have probably given up on survivng, and just don't care anymore.

They wheel the dead body out.

I walk back to Molly. She hasn't opened her eyes since we came in. Her fever creeps higher and higher, and she coughs little drops of blood now.

I force more tea down her throat, and kiss her cheek. Now, I don't care if I get sick. I have to get Molly well.

"I'm still here," I whisper. But this time, she doesn't move.

She coughs, and blood splatters her lips. I wipe it away with a cloth, and wipe her face with another.

Hershel comes by. "I believe that she's stable. She won't vomit blood," Hershel says.

"You're exhausted. Why are you here?" He asks.

"For Molly. I promised her I'd stay with her. Why're you here?" I reply.

"To help," he says before walking out.

I get up and close our cell door. I have a feeling that something is wrong; something is going to happen.

"Hershel! Hershel!" Lizzie screams. Henry, now a walker, follows Lizzie past my cell. It looks like Lizzie is coaxing him away from Glenn. She trips and falls, and Hershel throws him over the railing, onto the chain, and follows him for the oxygen thing. I can hear more people turning into walkers, and then I hear gunshots from outside.

I slip out of the cell, making sure that the bars clsoe securely, and then hurry over to the window. What I see makes me want to collapse.

One of the fences is down, and Carl and Rick fight off the incoming walkers. I press my hands against the glass, willing them to look.

They finish taking down the walkers, and turn away. For a moment, I think that they aren't going to see me, but them Carl does. He goes to run for me, but Rick grabs him.

A gunshot makes me look away. A man is firing shots around randomly. "Are you stupid? Stop!" I scream, but a walker bites him. I race away from the window, going back to Molly's cell.

Hershe hurries up the best that he can, and throws him over the railing, onto the chain link.

I hear Maggie pounding on the door, but there's too many walkers for me to go to her.

I wave to catch Maggie's eye, and I point to the visiting room. She nods, dissapearing, a few shot rings out. Glass shatters, and she appears below me, firing off shots at walkers. They drop quickly, and she points her gun up at the walker and Hershel. She fires, and the walker goes still.

Lizzie slips into the cell, going to Molly, standing by her. I close the gate, and a girl named Madison, now a walker, comes up behind me, and the only thing that I can do is flip myself over the railing, onto the net. I wrestle her, her jaws snapping at me. I break off one of her arms, and then the other. I hold her down, punching her again and again. It's the only way that I can kill her.

I pull myself out, wiping off my face and hands. I can hear Maggie and Hershel trying to save Glenn, who apparently was choking on his own blood. Lizzie leaves ot go watch Hershel and Maggie work over Glenn, and I close the door behind her. I lean against the wall, completely exhausted. We lost over half the people in here tonight, and most of them did not even succumb to the disease.

Bob comes, and I let him in. He presses a needle to Molly's arm. "It is the medicine," he says tiredly, watching me. I nod. He gives her the shot, and hurriedly leaves. I slide the door shut again.

I hear the door open, and see Tyreese barrel in. "Sahsa! Sasha!" he shouts, looking around wildly. I exit the cell again, and look over the railing. My hair hangs down around my face, tickling my cheeks. I point to the cell that Sahsa's in, and he hurries into it. I smile at brother and sister reunited together again. I just wish that that was me and Carl, but I know that Rick would never let him in here, and I am thankful for that.

I lay down on the mattress and hold Molly's hand. Finally, I fall asleep. I am beyond exhausted at this point; I am pretty much sleep walking. I haven't needed sleep this much in a very, very long time.


I hope that you like this edited version of the chapter.I did my best to drag it out and make it longer, but I couldn't seem to make it longer than this.

So, don't forget to comment/vote/favorite! Don't be a ghost/silent reader!

Love y'all!

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