Chapter 4

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The next day, when I wake, I feel Molly's forehead It's much cooler than it has been in the past few days. It goes down in two hours, back to her regular temperature. I nearly cry when her eyes open, showing her brown eyes. She walks the length of the cell without breaking a sweat. Hershel said she had the best recovery, and that she is back to normal.

I sling my bag over my shoulder, and she does the same with hers. We go to my old cell, and sit and talk for a while, happy that she's back.

And then, the prison shakes. We run outside, and there are a bunch of army trucks and a tank. With the Governor.

"Hey," he calls, "Come down here. We need to talk."

He has a new group.

I spot Carl, and walk to his side. Carl clutches my hand, and I clutch Molly's.

"It's not up to me!" Rick shouts. "There's a Council now! They run the place."

"Is Hershel on the Council?" The Governor asks. A girl yanks him out of a truck.

I suck in a breath. "What about Michonnie?" He adds. Sure enough, she's pulled out, too.

No. This can't be happening. Not now, not ever.

Molly runs to go get Lizzie, Mika, and Luke.

"I don't make decisions anymore!" Rick shouts.

"You're making the decisions today, Rick." The Governor calls. "Come down here and let's... let's have that talk."

Rick turns to look at Daryl, who nods slightly. He hugs Carl briefly, and then begins to slowly walk down the gravel path to the Govenor and his... army.

Carl wraps an arm around me. "We're loosing the prison today," I whisper.

And we all know it.

Rick walks until the fence stops him. "Let them go, right now." He says. "I'll stay down here. Talk as long as you want. But you let them go. You've got a tank. You don't need hostages."

"I do. This is just to show you I'm serious. Not to blast a hole in our new home. You and your people have until sundown to get out of here. Or they die." The Governor replies.

What? He expects us to go without a fight? He's damned wrong, he is. We won't let them take this prison without a fight, even if it destroys the prison. Then at least the Govenor won't get the prison.

"It doesn't have to go down this way." Rick pleads.

"I've got more people, more firepower; we need this prison. There it is. It's not about the past, it's about right now." The Governor replies.

"There are children here. Some of them are sick, they won't survive." Rick pleads.

"I have a tank, and I'm letting you walk away from here. What else is there to 'talk about'?" The Governor asks coldly..

Daryl wheels the cart full on guns over. I take one, and so does Carl. Actually, everyone does. We're ready to fight, when it comes to that.

A walker staggers up slowly, and the Governor shoots it. "Noise will only draw more of them over. Longer you wait, harder it'll be for you to get out of here." He replies.

"We have to do something." Carl whispers. "Your dad's got it." Daryl replies. "They're talking. I could kill the Governor right now." Carl argues. "Fifty yards?" Daryl asks. "I'm a good shot. I could end this right now."

"Or start something else." I murmur.

I glance back, and see Molly and Mika holding Judith. Like is carrying a bag, and Lizzie is arguing with them.

The Walking Dead Season 4Where stories live. Discover now