Chapter 2: Moving, Again!

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I've gone by many names before this. Daniel, Alex, Joseph, just to name a few, but the one that I stuck with is John, much to my Cepán's dismay. With him being very strict, I'm not allowed to go do stuff like go out and hang out with friends, so it really showed his level of trust in this particular friend to let me go out.

"Hey John, how come your dad let you hang out this time?" My friend Sun asked.

"I have no idea man, but I'm going to enjoy it while it lasts."

Just as we arrived to Sun's house, my leg started glowing, painfully burning my flesh.

"AAAAAAAAGGGGHHHHHH!" I screamed in pain. After seemingly a few minutes of the charm in action, I crouched down, trying to cover the blinding light to the best of my abilities.

"John! Are you okay?" Sun asked, concerned and slightly freaking out. "What is that on your leg?!"

"I... I'm sorry."

I pushed Sun out of the way and took off in the direction we cam in. I ran as fast as I could, cursing when I realized my scroll wasn't in my pocket. I slowed my pace, finally coming to a stop and leaning against a tree.

I sighed as I tried to figure out what to do next. Number Two is dead,  and I'm almost next.

"Fuck" I sat there as I regained my breath, thoughts running through my head. Mostly thinking of how I'm going to have to move again. I was shaken from my panic by Sun, waving my scroll in my face.

"Hellllooooo, John? Are you there man? I brought you your scroll that you dropped when you pushed me out of the way." Sun said as he angrily wove my scroll in my face.

I sighed heavily, "Look, I know you have questions, but I don't think I'll be able to say anything." I grabbed my scroll and started to send Henri a message to meet me in a field nearby. "If you want know at least something, then I'd suggest you'd follow."

"Henri isn't gonna be happy about this"


As Sun and I came through the tree line into the field I told him to meet me in, I saw Henri waiting there.

"I was right, he's not happy about this." I thought

"So John, who's this,"Henri began, "And why is he following you!? You're supposed to be carful!"

"Well Henri, this is my friend, Sun. Sun meet Henri, Henri meet Sun." I said as I gestured between the two.

"Look Sun..." Henri began.


"As much as it is nice to meet you, I need you to forget everything thats happened in the past hour. You need to forget ever knowing us, for your own safety it's best if you do that."

"Wait, what do you mean? Forgetting about knowing John? Forgetting someone that cool is pretty hard to do you know." Sun stated with a semi serious look, probably the most serious I've seen him since meeting him.

"Look Sun, as much as I hate to say it, knowing me could get you and your family killed. I'm sorry, because I'm not who you think I am. I'm not even human for Christ's sake. Or, uh, faunus, in your case."

"Can you at least tell me where you're going so we can keep in touch? I don't want to lose my friend."

"I can't, it'll put too much risk of them finding me. Unfortunately, this looks like goodbye old friend"

I pulled him into a bro hug and as I let go, Henri yelled from where he was.

"John! Let's go, we gotta pack and get the hell out before they show up!"

As Sun and I stood apart, I gave him our handshake. After that, I turned and walked towards Henri. As I was walking, I looked back and yelled "Hopefully we'll meet again!"

And with that Henri and I left the clearing and headed back towards our small home. Packing our things and preparing to leave Vacuo behind, seemingly forever.

So that was chapter 2, what do you guys think? I had an idea of having John meet Sun and being friends for affect later in the story. Also, this part of the story is when sun still lived in Vacuo, since I don't remember what age he moved to Mistral at, I'm going to go for 15

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