Chapter 3: More than Friends?

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Moving was always the hardest part. Making friends and then leaving them, only to never see them again. This time though, was one of the hardest I've done so far. And trust me, I've moved so many times I've lost count. At least this time, Henri let me say goodbye. 

"Hey, Pyrrha. After this class I've got to talk to you about something."

That's right, my only friend during my time in Mistral was none other than Pyrrha Nikos. I didn't have a clue on who she was until after she told me, but I'm glad I met her.

"Sure, we can talk after class. IF you promise me you'll pay attention." Pyrrha said with one of those looks.

I let out a small laugh, "Alright, alright, but if I fall asleep it's not my fault." I jokingly said, raising my hands slightly once she sent me a little glare. 

This is only going to make this even harder.


As the bell finally rang, signaling it was time to go home. I pulled Pyrrha aside as we made our way to our favorite hangout spot. A steep cliff side opening in the forest, not far from Sanctum. When we arrived, Pyrrha sat down on of one the fallen trees. I leaned up against a tree while I contemplated on how I should tell her. This little clearing meant many things to the both of us, the first time we hung out, our first training session together, and soon to be the last place we see each other.

"So what did you want to talk about John? I've never seen you look so sad and serious before."

"I... I don't even know where to begin with this, other than I'm leaving. I'm more than likely never going to see you again." I sighed heavily as I ran a hand through my disheveled blonde hair, "There's so many things I want to tell you Pyrrha, so many things. But I just can't, because if I do, they'll come after you too.  And that's not something I won't risk." I stood up from the tree I was leaning on and sat down next to her. "The one thing I can tell you, is that I'm not who you think I am. I'm not human, I'm not Faunus. I'm being hunted for who I am, and I'm not willing to put you at risk for it. You mean too much to me Pyrrha. You're one of the first true friends I've had since I came here."

Pyrrha sat there, trying to figure out what to say, and I couldn't blame her. Her best and only real friend had just told her he was leaving, and quite possibly not coming back. To top it off, he wasn't even who she thought he was.

"John, if John is even your real name, what can you even tell me? Was this year and a half of friendship even REAL!?" Pyrrha was angry, understandably so, but most importantly she was sad. Who could blame her? Everything she knew with her best friend could've been a lie.

"I'm sorry Pyrrha, I wish that I could tell you my real name, but frankly I don't even know what it is. But there is one thing I do promise, is that our friendship was real, every second of it." I was becoming more and more guilty by the second.

"I was so scared, Pyrrha. I was so scared that I wouldn't even get to say goodbye to you, Pyrrha. I couldn't live with myself if wasn't able to tell you at least something. Most of the time I don't get to say goodbye, the first time I said goodbye was when I was 14, and that was because my friend followed me." I ran both my hands through my hair with a loud sigh, I was starting to sweat heavily, my body heating up and my face flushing red. My palms felt like they were on fire, almost as if they were like a sun.

"That's when I moved here, and I swore to myself I wouldn't get close to anyone like that, never again. And then you came along, caring, kind and beautiful, welcoming me to Sanctum. And I just had to get to know you, Pyrrha Nikos."

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