Chapter Four: A Beacon of Light

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Two years after I left Pyrrha and Mistral behind, I finally arrived in Vale, home of my dream huntsman school, Beacon. I had hoped I could apply for Beacon earlier now that I had developed my legacies, but Henri didn't approve. So I waited until he allowed me to go. After rigorous entry exams I finally got the chance to attend Beacon Academy, granted I pass initiation and get a team. I had always hoped Pyrrha would be able to come with, we both had dreams of being partners or being on the same team. After my move from Mistal, that idea flew out the window.

With a heavy sigh, I exited the house Henri and I were currently living in. We lived modestly if you could call it that, with all the expensive high-tech security equipment everywhere. Only visible to those who knew what they were looking for. The house was just a small one story, two bedroom house on the far end of the residential district. I walked down the street towards the nearest dust shop, From Dust Till Dawn. I entered the shop, grabbed some fire and ice dust, paid and left. As I headed back home, I heard glass break.

I turned around to see some thug fly out of the window of the dust shop, along with a girl I didn't see enter it.

"Hmph, this'll be interesting" I mumbled as I slipped into the crowd, making sure I kept my eyes on the thug. I continued down the street only to hear a bullhead hovering and the sound of fighting above me.

I looked up and let out a groan, "Do I always have to play hero?" I flicked my wrist and slipped a fire dust crystal into Lýkos, a four inch diamond Loric dagger that can disguise itself as a bracelet. I checked my other wrist and made sure I that Íroas was on it. Íroas was a small red bracelet that transforms into a shield upon sensing danger. Using one of my Legacies to fly up to rooftops, only to see the same small girl in red from the dust shop and a huntress fighting off someone in a bullhead shooting fire at them. Before I landed on the rooftops, I shot my Lumen at my feet, setting myself ablaze. I proceeded to redirect the fire back towards the bullhead using telekinesis. I stood my ground as I prepared to hold the airship in place.

"Huntress! I'm going to hold the ship in place, take it down!" I shouted out, while simultaneously extending my hand and activating my telekinesis. The strain of holding such a heavy object was immense, but I held.

I saw the huntress start bombarding the bullhead with ice crystals, and even one going through the cockpit. That didn't stop the pilot though, as he continued to try and pull them out of my hold. Eventually, the Huntress switched up her tactics, preparing a storm above the criminals, I could feel my strength waning, until a stream of fire hit a fully extended Íroas and blew me back. The collision of fire and shield broke my concentration and my telekinetic hold on the ship weakened, allowing them to get away.

I extinguished my flames as I stood up, swearing that I couldn't hold them in place. Only to be knocked down again by swarm of rose petals.

"THAT WAS SO COOL!!!" She started to imitate how I lit myself on fire, "YOU WERE ALL LIKE PISHAW PEW WHOOOSH!" I laughed slightly as I patted her head and stood up again.

I looked up to see the huntress giving me the, 'come with me if you know what's good for you look'.

"I have to, don't I?" The comment was responded with a glare, "Fine. I'll come." I sighed out, mentally preparing for the chewing out I was going to get when I got home.


Taking the elevator up to the headmasters office was nerve racking, I was internally panicking. Looking over, I forgot little red was with me. Might as well figure out what her name is, "Hey, Little Red, what's your name?"

"My names Ruby, Ruby Rose. What's yours Fireball."

I let out a laugh at what she called me, Fireball. If only she knew, what I was truly capable of.

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