Chapter 5: A Reunion Heard From Around the School

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In the darkness that consumed the ball room, I laid on my sleeping bag, staring up at the ceiling. Many thoughts running through my mind as I waited for the five am breakfast. As the clock finally hit five, I got up out of my sleeping bag, slipped on the shirt that I had set on top of my bag. "Man, I'm surprised nobody comment on the fact that I was shirtless. Especially Yang, I can already tell she's a flirt and I've known her for all but a day." I thought as I walked into the cafeteria. I gazed upon the food that was laid out for the students in cafeteria, I had just one thought running through my head. "Holy fuck that's a lot of food" The amount of food was immense, from bacon and sausage, to pancakes and waffles, with everything else in between.

I made my way over and grabbed a plate, I placed two pancakes, a few sausage links and a couple pieces of bacon. I then sat down on one of the benches and started eating. I ate my sausage, then my bacon. Before I could go and cut up my pancakes my plate was slid from my side of the table to the other, right into the waiting arms of a short ginger girl.

"So uh, can I have my pancakes back please? I was looking forward to eating those."

The girl looked up at me, smiled a very bright and happy smile. Before I could even ask 'what are you doing' my pancakes had disappeared from the plate. I sat there trying to figure out whether to be impressed or angry at how fast she ate my two pancakes.

"Nope!" The girl giggled out, followed by her propping her arms up and laying her head in her hands.

Accepting the fact that I probably wasn't going to get them back I decided to ask for her name, "So, what can I call my pancake thief?"

The pancake thief looked up at me with a certain glint in her eye, I could already tell I might regret asking the question.

"My name's Nora and I LOOOOVE pancakes! Do you love pancakes? Because I know I do! If you like pancakes we can be friends, we can't be best friends because that's Ren's spot. Ooooohhh maybe we can go eat pancakes together!!! Not now though, I may have ate them all!"

She finished her hyperactive rant with a giggle followed by a groan signaling how full her stomach was after literally eating every single pancake.

"Sure we can be friends, but could you save some pancakes for others next time? Some other people," I coughed "Me." I coughed again, "Would've loved to  have some pancakes for breakfast. Now I have to go eat waffles, and they're not even cinnamon!"

The ginger now named Nora, ran around the table and slid next to me.

"AWESOME!! How about once we get into Beacon we go and get pancakes?! Then you don't have to have a pancake thief eat the pancakes! What a GREAT idea... uh, I never got your name fellow pancake lover."

"My names John, John Smith. Nice to meet you Nora."  I gave her a small smile once I heard a voice calling her name. "I bet you that's your friend looking for where you ran off to, why don't you introduce me."

"Okay!" She stood up from the table and called her friend over, "Ren! Over here!"

A guy with a lean frame, dressed in some pretty badass clothes, long braided black hair with pink streak in his bangs that went down the left side of his face walked over. He took a seat next to Nora. As soon as he sat down, I felt an air of familiarity to him, as if I've met him before.

"Ren! I found a follow pancake lover!!"

The man spoke with a soft but annoyed tone, "Nora, I hope you didn't take his pancakes after eating ALL the other ones."

Nora looked away with a blush on her face before whipping back around. "I didn't take his pancakes! He... uh... he let me have them! Right John! Oop, before I forget John this is Ren, Ren this is John."

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 15, 2020 ⏰

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