Chapter 3

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I swallow the lump in my throat and force myself to tear my eyes from Liam, despite his continuing to stare, and ignore his menacing smile.

"What can I get for you guys?" I ask trying to be confident even though I am nervous out of my mind. I mentally curse myself for my hand shaking as I hold the pen to write down the order.

"What happened to the other waitress? Can't take criticism?" A boy with light brown hair and piercing blue eyes laughs, everyone but Liam cracking up. Liam continues to stare at me in the most intense way, I try to ignore him but I can't help but peek a glance at him, regretting it the moment his eyes bore into mine.

"No, she just-" I start but another guy with a mop of dark curly hair butts in.

"She just couldn't handle the pressure of serving someone that has a higher education than she does." he says this and all of them crack into laughter again, Liam stifles a small laugh as well. I can't handle the anger inside of me that boils as they insult my closest friend.

"No she just doesn't like serving assholes." I spit before I can stop myself. I regretted the words the moment they slipped out. I could get fired if my boss knew I spoke to customers like that. What if one of these boys told the manager? I'd be so screwed.

"What did you just say to me?" the same boy asks me.

"I said, she doesn't like serving assholes. We have the right to serve whoever we please and I will kick your rich ass out." I tell him calmly. I hope my tone will help to forgive my name calling but these boys surely deserve to be put in their place. "Now, give me your order, or get out." I ask a bit impatiently. The boy doesn't do anything, and I don't dare look at Liam. He finally gives me his order, they all do and I do my normal routine, trying to act like there is nothing special about the table of boys. Nothing special about Liam.

When my shift is over I quickly change in the diner bathroom into a hoodie and jeans, I shove my waitress uniform into my backpack and sling it over my shoulder, leaving.

"See you later Donna." I wave to her before opening the door.

"Hey, Emily!" she shouts and I turn around. "Thanks, you know... For earlier." I smile, and leave. Stepping out into the spring air of Chicago I try to decide where I am going to. I don't have school today, so I'm free for the afternoon. I step around the corner of the Diner, blindly colliding into someone.

"I am so sorry-" I stop when my eyes connect to his deep brown ones.

"It is perfectly ok." he laughs, still holding onto me. I quickly shove away, pull my bag further onto my shoulder and walk away. "Emily," Liam shouts and I hear him walking after me.

"What are you doing here?" I ask without turning around. I decide to continue on to my destination, wherever it may be.

"I was waiting for you to finish your shift." he says catching up and walking beside me. I try to quicken my pace, only for him to keep up.

"How did you know when my shift ended?"

"I didn't, I've been waiting for you." He smiles. He shoves his hands into his pockets while I shove the little bit of happiness that sparked in me when he said this down, to the darkest corner in my being. Never wanting myself to take any pleasure in his company.

"Why? So you could crack more awful jokes at my friends or to accuse me of 'coming onto you' again?" I interrogate him, stopping in my tracks. My voice becomes louder and the people walking by stare at us.

"Neither, what is your deal?" he retaliates.

"You're unbelievable, and a complete waste of my time." I snap and begin to walk again.

The Things We Lost // l.p.Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant