Chapter I

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Word Count: ~5400 (oof!)

Warnings: smut alert! [oral sex; hand stuff; grinding] 18+ only. Don't like it, don't read it~

I've had a particular fantasy about Jake and Danny in mind for weeks–it was originally instigated by that little video that went around months and months ago, of Jake offstage watching Danny during his solo. Even at the time, I thought it was a remarkable glimpse into what is probably a truly beautiful friendship and then probably a month or so ago, it made its way into my head again. I know a number of y'all enjoy Sanny–I've always loved the friendship between Jake and Danny too (and wish we got to see more of it!), so writing this was really fun, as well as pretty challenging at times! I really hope you enjoy. 

Another A/N: It's a series now. Who would have guessed? LOL. 

Fuck, what a beast. The audience, the team behind the curtains, his own brothers, everyone in the entire venue disappeared as Jake watched Danny bang out his solo during Safari Song–and he was, in fact, literally banging it out. Jake's fingers lay almost idle over his own guitar, only subconscious movements hovering above the strings to follow Danny's rhythm, his body wavering and moving back and forth gently as he watched, studied. He was a fucking beast. Not that that was news to Jake.

Jake's attention was diverted at the sound of a particularly loud whoop from the crowd; his eyes moved across the stage to Sam, holding his bass and nodding and mouthing along with Danny's beats. Next to him, Josh was bobbing along too, more loosely, a little dance building in his body that would have to wait until they could all get back onstage.

Danny's movements, timing, skills, sheer power, total performance, all of it always blew Jake's mind. He remembered when they were teenagers, when all of that power was there but it had taken time to truly bring it to life, years of dive bar gigs and what felt like endless garage practices to build all of that brawn. Now, Jake was practically hypnotized by it and enamored with the little variations Danny put into every single solo. It didn't matter if they were playing two shows in a row–he always threw something different in there. Actually, Jake wasn't sure if it was ever on purpose–Danny never gave him a straight answer, like it was a little secret, like maybe he himself didn't even know.

Jake felt his tongue wet his bottom lip, felt his fingers lightly touch the strings of his guitar again. Danny's hair was flying around him, the muscles in his arms were bulging and tensing, and Jake could see the beads of sweat dripping down his biceps, his neck, his forehead; he wished more people could see Danny work from all angles. His full body was constantly in motion–not that it was different for any of them, but Danny worked it in a style that was beastly and completely unmatched. When he was at his kit, he was a god. There was no one else who could do it like him, and no other person who tore into Jake's feelings like him.

Feelings–whether in the heart or just the dick, Jake wasn't sure. Tonight, however, the dick feelings were definitely at the forefront. His hips twitched and he sank back against the wall for a moment when a rush of blood swelled in his groin, an erection blooming beneath his pants.

Shit. At least the guitar would cover it. Even if it didn't, the entire world had seen enough of all of them to not be surprised.

He brought his guitar even closer against himself, lifting his hips to brush his crotch against it. Inappropriate? Maybe. Subtle? He wasn't sure. Then again, who was watching him anyway? They still had two more songs to get through and he actually hoped the hard-on would last–he was already mentally mapping out how he'd get Danny alone backstage.


He didn't mean to corner Danny, but he needed to catch him before he was caught by Sam and Josh–Sam especially–in the lounge backstage. Jake gave himself enough time to chug half a bottle of Fiji and then he had Danny's wrist in his hand, hard and warm and damp, the tendon flexing under his fingers.

Wisdom of the Fool // Jake & DannyNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ