Chapter IX

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Warnings: suggestiveness; lots of cursing in this one; no smut, still and 18+ only story

Short, sweet...maybe. I think there comes a point in every ongoing fic where you need to attempt to delve into why things are happening in the first place...even if Jake doesn't want to ;) I hope you enjoy ~~

Despite Jake moving quite a bit throughout the night–partly due to Danny's body heat becoming overwhelming after a time, even with the hotel room's A/C blasting through the vents–he woke up with that same arm wrapped around him. He still felt a little sore, both below the waist and in his heart, with the deep, almost silent slumber of his mate blooming over his backside. He wiggled back and shut his eyes against the soft morning light–it was still early. Good. He could try to fall back asleep surrounded by lavender light, plush white sheets and Danny's solid, hot body, swaddled and satiated.

He'd had a dreamless, deep sleep even with tossing and turning. That was good too. He didn't need any stress dreams or, God forbid, any nightmares. He wished he didn't feel so terrorized by his own emotions, like his mind was betraying him. Whatever might happen, Jake knew he'd never really lose Danny, but warding off those thoughts was hard, hard even with the two of them literally intertwined yet again.

Danny slowly nuzzled the back of his neck and stretched behind him; Jake half-turned his cheek but could only see a mess of dark hair and the curve of a golden bicep. It was a little surprising that he was awake so early or maybe he would just sigh and roll over to go back to sleep, but the curve of tan skin in Jake's half-blurred vision shifted and he felt a warm hand slide down to his waist; Danny did sigh as predicted, but wrapped his leg over Jake's thigh and squeezed him, murmuring, "G'morning."

"You're awake?" Jake questioned, not entirely awake yet himself.

"Mm. We'll see." Danny sighed again and nuzzled the back of Jake's neck some more. "Gosh, you're sweaty."

"That's from you."

"Hmm? Oh. Yeah."

Jake paused, letting himself bask in Danny's touch longer but also feeling the need–the self-sabotage–to break up the moment: "If we get up now, we can make it to the continental breakfast."

"Egg Beaters and floppy bacon," Danny said with a groan. "No thanks."

"I wish I could cook you breakfast," Jake said quietly, and that was actually the sincere truth. He was good at that, good at showing love through food, and he knew just what Danny liked in that regard. Years of sleepovers and diner breakfasts had made sure of that.

"Damn, I love your French toast," Danny said, further affirming Jake's knowledge. "I've never had it so good anywhere else."

Right then, Jake felt the bulk of Danny's morning wood pressed against his backside. He was far too sore to do anything about that, even orally, and he was glad Danny seemed content just to cuddle. "You're telling me," he said anyway, backing up into the weight of that dick just enough to make the drummer groan softly in his ear.

Danny chuckled before grumbling, "Not that you have anyone to compare to."

"Doesn't matter. You're the best." Jake swore he felt Danny blush along the length of his entire body at that. It hit him then that they were both still completely naked. Vulnerable. It was never so easy to be that way for Jake, not as he got older, anyway. But being naked with Danny still felt safe, both physically and emotionally. He had those strong arms to hold him and he had an even stronger heart to touch his own, to beat against his backside like a metronome until he felt like he could fall right back into sleep.

Wisdom of the Fool // Jake & DannyOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant